I wasn't expecting this

First time I’ve seen this combo. I was not expecting it in the slightest.


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Using a tracking addon is cheating, how the F, did it know what the other 2 choices in the discovery were

I’ve asked about this in the past and what I was told is that if your opponent is using Hsreply as well, it has more info in the replay.

However, I don’t know… it’s so random. sometimes its shows, sometimes it doesn’t. I guess maybe ask Hsreply.

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Well it shows you after the game in a replay, because both use it and both upload their replays to the same server xD

You don’t have that info during the game…or do you?

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It’s only in the replay. Completely legit. I don’t cheat, never have.



If it gave people unfair advantage, it would be banned by Blizz

I ve seen videos of the trackers showing the other 2 choices when cards are activated at random, meaning you won’t see the other 2 choices, so how exactly does it gain the info?

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As I’ve said, once the match is over, both replays get uploaded to the same server under the same match number tag and that’s why you if BOTH have hsreplay, both can see everything in their replays.

But not during the game.

This is necessary to work this way, because if it didn’t, you would have one game doubled.

For example, warlock vs DK where both have hs replay, you would have a warlock win + DK loss data for warlock, and you would have DK loss + warlock win data for DK. Result would be that HSReplay would have duplicate data for 1 game and the data would be unusable and wrong.

So we know it has to work this way

As i said, which you seem to be to blind to read

Random discover cards, the tracker shows what the other 2 cards in the random discover are

Which it could not possibly know, because neither player could see the other 2 cards on a random discover

Which card on which turn?

The resolution on my screen is terrible, i can’t see s**t on the replay

I never said it was in that video, you are clearly trolling, I think you need to learn how to read

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So far it seems to me you’re the one trolling.

On a post containing an actual HS replay video you come in with a story about some random hs replay video which has something inexplicable happening

Then you call me blind for not seeing something which isn’t there and now you call me a troll because I’ve no idea what youre talking about.

Sorry, I’m not reading minds just yet.

Ok ignore list for you


heres that evidence you wanted fuzzy, why must you wake me for such things!

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I missed it, how’d he get the charge ghouls back in hand?

the panda that puts stuff in your hand

they got 1 ghoul, then doubled it on board

Ah, thanks! Seems janky af, but it beats getting blown up by Guldans toads.

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? what? what is that?

Right? Right?!
And don´t get me started about all that car assistance stuff like tempomats, parking assistance and such. Drivers these days, pche… can´t even park their car properly without using that stupid cheating assistances… :rofl: :rofl:

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So you think I’m somehow cheating?

He used Soloman Brewmaster to put it back in his hand.

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