Where can I file a complaint? I started out playing honestly and not buying anything except the Hearthstone welcome pack for 4.99 and I think I got Barista out of that. They totally nerfed my Dragoncaster combo and Alexsrtraza no duplicates card. I was able to get into tier gold. I got nerfed by being a player who got cards like zephyrs both alexstraza barmaid savronath. How many players bought packs just to get zephyrs or Alex which they nerfed? This is how they make money - make you farm farm farm - and then nerf it so you want a different set of cards. It should be illegal for them to change a card setup. Like a real card game you can’t change cards. I should not have bought Scholomance thinking this game was just rebalancing for the good. It is a scheme. I got hardly anything. I’m fighting at tier silver 5 now whereas before I got into gold. They give newer players lucky draws so you are irritated and want the cards they get and then they nerf the cards. Over and over. This will happen
You can disenchant nerfed cards for full dust before two weeks after nerf. That might help you. It’s to balance the game, not to target you only.
Real card game just outright ban the card .
I did not farm or pay for zephrys and alexstraza , i just had the dust sitting from managing my collection well over the few years ive been playing !
So guess again on what conspiracy they actually use .
it your fault if your a new player you should never touch a toxic combo deck because all it down is cripple you by make harder for you to build good decks and play other with respect
example I discover new form of discard warlock and Evolve shaman so if a nerf hit one I got pro knowhow to find or rework the decks without a problem
Good thing Hearthstone isn’t a “real” card game then. I’d rather see nerfs (and theor associated full dust refund) over card bans.
It’s an online game. In every game, even fortnite, has balance patches to nerf weapons. It’s not like this is the first time, plus you can disenchant it for full dust value.
I agree. balances are good. I almost always enjoy seeing nerf or balance changes, no matter what they are.
I absolutely cannot imagine being a new player at this point in the game. I guess it’s different since I started before there was wild/standard but it was soooooo hard to win games without any legendaries at all and very few epics.
Spend money, do like half of us and buy crazy packages.
Having the staple Commons and Rares goes a long way. You hardly need most Epics and Legendaries if you just want to win some games.
So, what are those cards? It’s why I made a list of “Cards for a limited collection”
Once you get to the point you own some staples and good cards, you are pretty much set and can craft some specific cards for a deck you want to play.
And when I say staples, I mean “collection staples”. Cards that you should just keep for your collection. Cards that can stand on their own and/or provide excellent value for your collection. Not necessarily “meta staples”, as is so commonly used.
If you get into the player pool, you better learn how to swim. It’s drown or be drowned player.
hence why blizzard give new player Rank decks was a bad idea they basically made so people advoid them in none-rank so they never learn basics or how to build a good deck
so when Nerfs happen going be % of player base unable to make good decks because of free hands out (not say blizzard should help new players by give them decks but should not give high tire decks they can go brain dead to use)
Imagine how salty people would be if they spent upwards of 150$ on a playset of cards for a tier one deck only for those cards to get hit on the next banlist.
They can disenchant it for an entire new Tier 1 deck because they get full dust. That’s how Hearthstone meta works.
Why would Blizzard give you full refund on an entire deck if they stopped nerfing cards and started banning them instead?
Madmax for once you right
I’m right plenty of times. Just because you don’t like what I have to say doesn’t make me wrong.
don’t start a fight that against the Rules for Forum use