I uninstalled the game because 90% of my matchs are bots

It’s a shame, because I would have liked to continue playing the game. But I have better things to do, to give up every game until I get real players (with real player names that aren’t something like GrayHawk, k34j2k34jkd).


Push past the lower ranks and you will stop seeing bots as much. Maybe construct a meta deck and use it to climb and increase your mmr. Bots have an internally low mmr due to them just spamming and losing a lot.

i have no arcane dust to create cards and not sure should i spend my gold for packs.

This is the absolute worst (and most common) take. Bots are not okay, at any rank. Plain and simple.


Aren’t all core cards free and given to everyone? The starter ‘core cards decks’ given to each class are fine enough to start with. You can definitely win games with them.

Then play real card games that you have to interact with other humans! Bots are a literal plague in almost every game. The bot runners make them faster than companies can keep up with banning. Ban 300k, 600k more bots are created. This has been going on since the late 90’s. Companies do what they can, but it is a losing battle that always affects the bottom line.

With Hearthstone, it is a small, small part of the company. To expect the same type of resources that WoW or other popular Acti/Blizz/Microsoft gets is insane. Not even WoW gets its bots taken care of at a decent pace, and people pay monthly for that (bots are sub money to blizzard as well so…)

Hate to say it, if there were no bots, players would probably sit in hour long queues at bronze-gold because lets be real here, it is a no skill bracket that most people are out of in a day or two in standard on reset.

Again…the absolute worst take. I’ll never understand why people rationalize/defend botting.


Because there is nothing that we as players can do. We have been whining to technical support and on the forums for 20 years! Once you reach the final stages of denial and just accept it, you will feel a lot happier with your free time.

This is a blatant lie. We can always “vote with our vallet”, just as the OP did. Bad product? Don’t buy. Once the company bottom line is hit, they suddenly start to care very much, and actually deal with the problem, instead of pretending they are doing something.

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The forum is the loud minority. Most players just pay and play without ever saying a word. See WoW for examples.

So, now you’re commenting on a forum for a game you don’t play.

Why do people always need to tell us they uninstalled?

I thought these forums were for player feedback, opinions, thoughts and suggestions to improve the game. If someone leaves because of bots, you’d think Activision Blizzard would like to know why players are leaving.

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I know, and while they keep posting HOW many bots they have banned, the sad part is, they are still so many in the game.

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I’m a returning player, so bot play is something that’s new to me. What’s the purpose of bots? To eliminate wait times in queue for matches because there’s not enough players?

Don’t try to reason with Mountaineer. They only spew what Assivision tells them to spew.

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Proof or didn’t happen.

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Look at World of Warcraft. A game that has millions of subscribers and infinitely larger forum. Its plagued by bots in all versions of the game. WoW generates more monthly revenue than hearthstone does in 2 quarters and the botting is as rampant as it has ever been. Players have been crying on the forums for 20 years with nothing being done. You really think this company is going to allocate resources to fully combat the bot problem in a casual CCG?

Irrelevant. Different game, different people.

No. I expect them to do the least possible they can, perhaps even less.

Now, cool anecdote, but not a proof at all.