I thought aman'thul would remove zilliax?

i must have misunderstood something i read here about zilliax counters?

single zilliax played, i killed it, next card Inventor Boom resurrected 2 zilliax. i played aman’thul and removed both resurrected versions. Hydration Station brought both of them back again lol.

does flik skyshiv work for zilliax, or is it the same BS? :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the problem.

You have to remove Zilliax WITHOUT it dying. As soon as it dies, it counts as “dead” no matter what happens to any copies spawned afterwards. So Boom could rez it because it’s still the highest cost mech “that died that game” for your opponent. Hydration “ressurects” your 3 highest cost taunts, and Zilliax had “died that game.”

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does Flik work differently based on the card’s wording?

nope. “Destroy” = “it’s dead” therefore it can be rezzed.

The FIRST time they play it, you HAVE to do something that DOESN’T have it “die” under THEIR control.

So, polymorph or similar effect will work, because it’s no longer Zilliax. It’s a random sheep or murloc or Golden Monkey.

Stealing it will work, unless they steal it back. If it was under YOUR control when it dies though, now it’s YOUR dead minion, and not THEIR dead minion. So their Hydration won’t bring it back, but YOURS would.

Bouncing it works, until they play it again.

EDIT: now that I think on it, bouncing it FROM PLAY might still register as “destroying it” even if it poofs from too many cards in hand. However, I know that them DRAWING it when they have too many cards, does NOT count as it dying in play. So that would work, and also if it gets BOOMED while in their deck OR their hand, that would work. But bouncing from play to a full hand might NOT work.

Reno will work, because “empty” apparently doesn’t mean “kill / destroy” (it’s just, GONE like the pencil from The Dark Knight) therefore it won’t rez

My personal favorite method is to just win before they play it. Requires using some OTHER form of busted bonkers netdeck, but there’s something satisfying about winning on turn 5 when the warrior played all the cards that signaled they were JUST about to cheat it out.

No, it brought back two copies of the first dead one.

Once a minion dies, it is in the resurrection pool forever. Resurrecting it does not remove it from the pool.

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