I think individual classes are dead

So, it’s been a minute since I’ve spoke on Team5’s terrible decision making, but from what I can see?
Classes will no longer matter at all in the new expansion.
And some classes are going to be completely unplayable, I wager.
Everyone might as well play Rogue and Priest, particularly in Wild, as you can just steal whatever the opponent is playing.
You don’t need any strategy beyond that, because you have no actual deck.
Baku and Genn I could have kept quiet about, but the class bleed is sickening.
I cannot believe anyone endorses this, beyond the people getting paid to.


welcome to HS coyping cards from opponent deck been a priest thing for 10 years

youll find players here who keep forgeting that bit

and in wild we have a fun neutral card
azalina which lets you change your hand for your oppoonent one

one of my favourite decks is jungle giants with azalina i love copying my oppoennt hand with 0 mana azalina !

Except that copying a card here and there is not the same thing as getting your entire win condition stolen and played more efficiently than you can play it.

Class identity is dead.

Your choice of class regards solely to your portrait. Beyond that, there is nothing to differentiate a class from another today. Every class can do anything.

It’s all molded together and it’s sickening. Also, the game won’t ever become serious again. The developers are too preoccupied with turning Heartstone into Disney that they can’t put their mind to create actually interesting cards.

Their peak thinking prowess was to mould everything together. The problems that will arise from that are so numerous I already know I will not be playing.


ohhh…back to that…its better when you discuss dmage decks

instead the " the game has to be shut down so people will be forced to stop having fun with it "

probably roleplaying because isnt normal to be so childish about peopel having fun with a videogame


Wow, just stop playing if you hate the game. It’s just a game. Hoping it gets shut to deprive others of their enjoyment and have people lose their jobs is pretty crazy.

I also think you give Team 5 too much credit as far as the direction the game has went since w/e expansion you personally think was its best. It’s not like they have unlimited time and resources to come up with stuff and settled on everything you see.


I didn’t say the game “has” to be anything.
Let’s not mischaracterize, ok?
I said, and I quote: “I hope.”
And there is nothing wrong with saying that.

I didn’t say that either. Again; a mischaracterization.

Although it is fair to say that I am extremely tired of what I view as incompetence and apathy.

Multi-million dollar company doesn’t have the time and resources to create interesting 145 cards for their children’s card game.


My prediction is that this expansion will make individual classes completely obsolete.
Playing 11 slightly stronger or weaker versions of the same thing sounds like a total bore.

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Of course they have them. My point is the they don’t use them. I find it difficult to believe a Multi-million dollar company makes money by handing a blank check to team of Hearthstone set designers. Budgets and deadlines are a real thing.

Edit: I don’t particularly enjoy the direction Hearthstone has gone over the years either, I just don’t place all the blame on the design team.

With or without budget, this team of developers could never deliver a good product.

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You never have any fresh takes on anything. Just keep cashing those Blizzard paychecks. You are like a broken record to the point you have no credibility.

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This is all subjective of course. I’ve quit playing and come back numerous times now. I stop playing when I don’t enjoy the sets and come back when they catch my interest. What I consider good isn’t what everyone considers good. When I am enjoying the game I have a lot of fun and certainly consider it good.

I would absolutely agree there is an argument for keeping class identity a thing.

However, I feel this is a concept for the more linear deck builders. A set gets made and every class will have a new “thing”. If done well, the deck makes itself and they can properly slot it into the meta and could keep class identity.

Not everyone wants to be forced into these “things” though. They want to brew. You above all should be keenly aware of how loyal people can be to classes. So why shouldn’t they be able to play all strats on their class? More then that, I think it’s a little silly to lock a 10 year old game behind class identities laid out in the beginning. Every class can’t do everything (yet), but a little bleed between classes is bound to happen, especially when it’s a well liked mechanic.


Excellent arguments and reasoning.
Yes. I am very fond of homebrewing decks that most others don’t play.
But I play mage for the fact that it trades defense for direct damage.
And I don’t think I can get excited over a game where every class can do what mine does just as well, if not way better.

What a surprise. You see what you want to see.

It’s funny how people think that in 2024 humans design hearthstone cards :wink:

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Do you think an algorithm does the work?

Imo, yeah, the devs might have something to balance post design, but the expansion skelly is pure AI since 2019 i think. Im pretty sure the devs are trying to balance the AI powercreeping, but thats just my opinion.

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You may be right. I have no idea.
I know they have a team of designers.
Seems silly to think they pay them for pretty much nothing.

On message. I don’t think classes will matter at all going forward.
I think dev favoritism will dictate what wins and what does not,
(which is already true) and every class will be homogenized to the point that custom deck building will be dead.

It wasn’t my intention to offend anyone here.
I just honestly believe maintenance mode is inevitable with
the choices being made.

From a design perspective there’s really not much further they can go with single class design as well as staying within a classes parameters. The logical next step is to mix classes.

If they REALLY wanted to make it interesting they should redesign Hero powers and give each hero two different hero powers to build decks from.

Regarding that i would go further and say every expansion should come with their own set of hero powers that rotate together with the cards of the expansion.

Putting then vinculated with cards is Just lazyness at this point.

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