I played Reno card. the other persons cards did not vanish

Can someone explain how they blocked it?
Then they played Reno card and my cards vanished.
How did they do that.

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Reno only works if your deck contains no dublicate cards.

Assuming your deck didn’t contain dublicates to begin with your opponent could have shuffled plagues or snake oil into your deck. If your deck then contains 2 cards with the same name then Renos effect doesn’t work.


Thanks, I didn’t think of that. i thought maybe there was a spell you could cast or a card you could play.

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If you have a deck tracker, see if that’s what happened. If not, submit a bug report…not that it will do much good.

Yeah, snake oil or if it was dk. They might have shuffled plagues into your deck.

Alternatively, cho gall is far from meta. But i’ve had a few people occasionally brick reno decks with the “Shuffle a copy of the first card you play each turn” card. And then playing like 2 aman’thuls or discovering a copy of a card in their deck.

Still though, that’s about the only time that the anomaly does anything. Outside of a game where i got 3x 14/14 + 14/14 + 28/28(??) lorthemars into my hand.

But the fact both of us were already 4-8 hp by that point kept us from playing any of them before the match was over. At some point you just hit too much Hypothetical value you or they are already dead before you ever get to play any of it.

The first 30 points of damage are the most important, any dmg past 50-120 is only important if it helps the first 30.