I played almost exclusively bots to legend

Returning after two years of not playing. Started playing at the lowest ranks and noticed that all I play is bots. I assumed this would only happen at these ranks and I’d play real players around diamond. Nope. My boss fight to legend was a bot. My first few games at Legend were bots. It was between 80% and 90% bots during my climb. The feeling of knowing you are playing a bot and you don’t have even try is depressing and unrewarding. It really kills your desire to want to play the game.


they usually have names of two words, like LunarSpark. or adadgag-like
And yeah, devs do everything to negate interest from their game. They spend money and time redrawing old cards, increase price, make the game more childish

Yeah, bots bots and more bots. it really is annoying how many there are. From diamond 10 to diamond 5 it was all bots with the lame blizzard names. than from diamond 4 to legend it was all accounts with names like afoiehfaoefihaf, letters that make not sense at all.

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You play against bots because most of players had enough of this nonsense balance and stopped playing until rotation happens because this is unbareable… including me… the game became really pathetic. New expansion and set rotation will take place today so you will meet players again really soon.

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Welcome do Botstone my friend.

Yep. Its pretty bad. I played against one real person yesterday. The rest were bots. I am hoping today once the expansion is released I will get to battle some real ppl.

same here. i get more real players in wild mode. so go to wild, if you dont like bots. but in standard, its around 70% or more for me on bots. all names in chinese or asduhdqw style names. but, hey if you always wanted to grind to legend easier and get your rewards and card back, do it now lol. super easy with these bots.

not sure why this is happening. maybe lower player base?