I play online games to play with real people

i came back after about 10 years and the game makes fun. its a pity, that there are so many bots in the game. all the bots have similiar decks, standard names (like jadeOwl etc.) and they answer you with the same emotes you used.


Hearthstones really not the game to try dippin in an out of on the decade plan.

Ranked is littered with all these bot accounts. 90% of my matches from broonze to diamond 5 are of these. And then sometimes from Diamond 5 to legend it will be account with names like alfheofhaief. Then when you hit legend, it’s actual people for the most part.

It makes the game boring as hell.


I would be gratefull for some bots instead of mindless, DK, Warrior, DH and Warlock all the time… THAT is boring and frustrating…

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Yeah, but this always happens in hearthstone. But it’s always temporary.
When the patch comes out something else will be at the top, and then everyone will complain about those decks, and the complaints they have today will be gone because it doesn’t matter what performed well in the past, it’s all about what is performing well at the moment that players constantly complain about.

No saying that you’re complaining. Just pointing out what the majority of the posts are about.

Every time a patch is released players complain about the patch, saying that it didn’t do anything but then suddenly new decks are rising to the top and…well the cycle continues. :slight_smile:

However, I honeslty don’t feel that Blizzard has the ability to remove bots. THey say they recently banned 85k accounts it was, I can’t recall the number, but there’s gonna be 85k new bot accounts the next day it seems.

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Should start region blocking. See which regions have had hte highest amount of bots banned and then block it from accessing anything outside of their area when choosing a region on the launcher.
It would screw me,potentially. I moved to Japan butmy account is on the Americas. I’m fine with being banned from the Americas region if it means less bots for the majority.

I’m not really sure that would be so effective considering they can just use VPN’s to mask their locations.

I just find it ironic how Blizzard is always so hush hush about cheats but then when they go on a banning spree they are like “Hey look at US we banned all these accounts”
yet when I played wild yesterday, I ran into a bunch of mech rogues with GreyOwl names with the exact same cards they used in standard, with the exact same card backs.

Even in legend, I’m still seeing them once and a while. Like my last match was against a mech rogue.

I think if Blizzard was a little more transparent about the whole cheat issue with their player base, it might be easier for them to combat it.

And yet reddit can tell when you are using a VPN. if they can do it, blizzard can sure as hell do it too.

I’m sick to death of the bots.

Hearstone is a cash grab business! They don’t care about you playing real players, as it would be way easier for you to win and earn rewards! The Hearstone AI is designed to make your games very difficult to win, which makes you want to buy new cards and to build new decks! The game is designed to drive sales $$$ and make money! $$$

Yet again, I do not believe Blizz when they say they are banning bots, just played one with a battle tag #879565177975 and they were using the standard decks that all bots play, same cards, no hesitation in playing a card once drawn…No wonder so many people have had it with this game.

They always NEVER go for your played cards, always go after you, they are easy to beat this way, but it is still annoying.

Yes, the bots are very annoying.

I was already thinking about uninstalling the game because of the bots. I’m at the low tier and almost every game has bots.