I never got to use my anti-robot roge deck

I made a deck to specfically beat robot roges because 90% of my matches were robot roges.
After making the deck, i never got to use it because the AI never put me up against a robot roge deck again.
Instead it put me up against other decks my cards were useless for. So I changed my deck to beat those decks and now I am being put up against pirates and robots again.
Does the game wrigg the outcomes by curating the matches?
Does the AI look at your cards and the potential opponents instead of just picking them out of hat?
If it is curating then would everyone here agree that the game is being wrigged?

How about you try to play one deck for 10+ games before swapping and see how many times you get matched against both?

Maybe then you will have some sort of proof for or against that theory

Maybe the conspiracy is right.
If you create a deck that is super hot garbage you’ll be matches against things that defeat you… makes perfect sence.

Btw Roge has quit hearthstone, he even told ous so in his last stream, no need to tech against Roge.

Madam I played 1000 games with both decks and kept a wrekord.