I Need Help Resolving This Problem

I’m hoping that someone has some idea on what else I can do to get this issue of Hearthstone crashing resolved.

I play Hearthstone on my iPad bc I can’t on the computer. The iPad is not even a year old, with 20 gigs of free space and always updated. Hearthstone continually crashes all the time. Mercenaries, Ranked Standard, Ranked Wild, Casual, Tavern Brawl, Battlegrounds, viewing My Collection, Building a Deck, absolutely everything. The frequency of the crashes is ridiculous, to the point where I can’t even build a deck, cycle through card backs, or play Battleground builds that require a lot of interaction bc the game will crash and I lose too much time.

I originally opened a ticket, where the GM’s instructed me to check for updates. If everything was updated then to delete the Hearthstone app, clear the iTunes cache, turn off the iPad for 5 minutes, then power it on and reinstall Hearthstone. This did not fix anything.

The next thing the GM’s told me was to contact Apple Support, which I did. I spent over 30 minutes on the phone trying to figure out what is going on. They remotely connected to my iPad, ran a ton of tests and diagnostics, everything checked out perfectly fine and they told me that the problem is with the App itself and Blizzard needs to figure out the fix.

I relayed this message to the GM’s, and they told me that the Developers need to see this problem and fix it. When I asked them if that meant they were going to put me in contact with a Developer they said they can’t, and in order for the Developers to see what’s going on is for me to post in the forums. I expressed my concerns about this not being seen and they assured me that the Developers read the forums regularly and I would be helped. This was a year ago.

I have been posting in the Technical and Bug forums every week for a year explaining everything, and haven’t received any kind of acknowledgement or response from any Developers. I don’t know what else to do or where to turn. I would greatly appreciate any advice or helpful feedback. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

short answer: it’s them/their system, not your device. it happens to all of us

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Any ideas how to the developers to address this issue?