I miss this game. But it's just too obscenely expensive

Haven’t really spent money since Voyage came out. It’s just insane that dropping new AAA game money every couple of months doesn’t even get you the whole set. Expansion bundles need to include the entire set. Its the only thing that would make them even remotely worth it. And being Free to Play is just not fun when the RNG gives you crap.

I tried to go back through my transaction history to see how much i had spent over the years, but kind of luckily, it was too much of a PITA since it includes things like using in game coins to buy Overwatch skins. Im sure its close to $2k, though, since ive played since beta, buying everything up until Voyage.


i remember getting a pre order once per year some years ago when i couldnt play enough to get the gold but only one 50 $ pre order per year was enough to be able to keep up no idea how you got to 2k in 10 years…seems you spent waaaaay more than needed on purpose dont you use gold for packs ?

the game isnt that expensive is free to play and you choose to spend more than you needed

that was your choice


That’s just objectively false if you want to play a specific class and deck types that you enjoy. And if you’re FTP it means you wont even get a quarter of the latest set by the time the new set comes out, even if you grind hardcore and complete all your quests/free battlepass. Hopefully your lucky and pull the legendaries and epics you need to make the decks you WANT to play work.

dont copy paste stuff from before duplicate protection

because im pretty sure the 15 cards im missing doesnt mean im missing 75% of the expansion…maybe you are terrible at math

remember total of cards 259 cards in the expansion and you claim you only get around 64??? that doesnt make any sense !thats less than the total of common cards !

A mega bundle and tavern pass is enough to get me 97% of the set, missing only 1-2 legendaries by the end of the 4 months.

If regular bundle + tavern pass, I end up missing more legendaries, but eventually get epic complete anyway thanks to the rewards track epics.

Keep in mind this also includes buying 100 packs with gold and saving up Standard packs for expansion launch where they effectively are new expansion packs as well.

The pre-order bundles are very bad value, and is based on getting “instant gratification” for players, particularly players who may be new or returning to the game (but remember that new/returning players do get a free deck and some catch up packs).

The Tavern pass is better value, so you might want to consider that.

Anyhoo, I would suggest you try the game again, and take advantage of the “returning player” stuff. But don’t shell out for the pre-orders. Depending how much you play the game, the tavern pass might be worthwhile, although it lost value recently when AFK XP was removed from the game.

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So I recently discovered that this game is 100% Free to play. You can have any class you want with the best cards. The process takes about 8 hrs of play time. Not sure if this will be taken down but its helpful. I bought all the packages and spent top dollar on my American account but focussed in creating 5 full class decks. With the class balance changing in a weekly my 5 classes i had were not tier 1 classes so what I did was created an account on Europe using my same tag. You basically are going to go through the apprentice portion of the rewards track. With that you will also be able to choose a loaner deck with current meta cards. The rewards track will also unlock a tonne of packs including a bunch of catch up packs that will get you almost current with the meta. Then once you have all types of cards, coins, packs you dust all but a few classes that you want to have every card with. Resulting in a full deck for at least two classes that have all the best for current Meta. It took me 8 hrs to do this for 3 classes. The hard part is leveling through ladder since you dont get bonus stars but it has made the game amazing for me and was entirely free.

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Efficient managing of resources is definitely part of having a good F2P experience.
Back in Knights of the Frozen Throne when I was F2P, dust was scarce but built up over time. I wanted most cards however so I started spending.

Most (if not all) CCGs are split down into two main game styles: Competitive vs. Casual
I think it’s important to have a healthy balance of both, however, I’m not seeing this at all in HS. I have friends who I’d love to play casually with, but they’ve practically checked out. I had suggested going back to playing anything outside of standard, but they’ve dusted all their old cards to try to keep current & competitive. Problem is they got burnt from playing standard because it’s all the same boring, stupid repetitive top meta decks (can’t blame them there), and they can’t play casual wild because they don’t have the resources.

On another note, how is $80 for a mega-bundle considered a deal? This is obscenely expensive. That’s about the going price for a video game nowadays. Think about that: at least 80 bucks gets you a brand new game, this is a recurring $80 every season for… a DLC? GTF outta here, that’s insane.

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i spend a lot, but that’s because i like golden cards and supporting hearthstone and also because i am on social security disability and don’t have expenses in life unless i become ambitious enough to try to get a job or my own apartment (moving out of this group home) or a car or at least a bike or something which seems possible i guess maybe someday

anyway i’m sorry that the game is too expensive for you i hope you can get more cash money or find a cheaper game or enjoy hearthstone at the less spendy level

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Normally I spend 20$ on tavern pass, per expansion, and thats it. By the end of an expansion I will usually have every common and rare, 90% of the epics, and about 50% of the legendaries (most of the legendaties are from crafting so I usually get most of the ones I actually want)