I just want to thank blizzard

For the continued use of the trash we know as DK. Also priests. Thanks guys!


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lol, that’s a lot of salt.

Blizzard is the salt bae of card games.

Nope, it all comes down to the player.

I just want to thank whatever Priest or DK player this guy just lost to for making him salty enough to post about it.


yea, sure it does. RNG has absolutely nothing to do with it. every. /smh

Only salt you’ve tasting is what you’re swallowing while throating Activision/Blizzard. Did you make sure to cradle Activision/Blizzard as you deep swallow them? lol fanboi

Please, I don’t understand… explain in more detail the swallowing part, it seems you have personal experience with it, and I just want to make sure I fully understand you 100%.

Ya might want to go ask your mom, kiddo on that subject. She’s the expert and ask her to use very small words since you have an understanding comprehension problem.

Do you normally talk to children about their mothers swallowing?

Woah. First, I’d like to apologize to you, Aokighara. That wasn’t me posting this garbage and trying to upset you and everyone else here. I was just made aware that my accounts was reactivated despite being ignored for the last 4 years. So again, I apologize for what was posted under this account/name.

Secondly, now that I’ve returned; I’m actually having fun again in Hearthstone. Yeah, new mechanics are a bit difficult to getting used to and new decks are tromping all over my old ones but the players I’ve requested for friends have been really helpful in guiding me to get the newer decks.

Tonight I was playing Roffle’s Resurrect Priest with Chaddius, Mayor Noggenfogger, Keymaster Alabaster, and Tony. I queued into a Thief Rogue running Tess, Yogg, and the Yogg location. It was absolutely glorious. A total clown fiesta between two decks that exist to make games into clown fiestas.

I lost, but I got to steal their Yogg with a Theotar I had already stolen from them, play Yogg and Shadowstep it, then play Yogg again.

I guess my point is that I’m having fun treating the silly children’s card game like a silly children’s card game while you let yourself get tilted over something that really doesn’t matter a whole lot in the end.

All these flavours in the world and you choose salty!