I just spent 80 dollars and got suspended

My account was suspended for hacking. Started really liking hearthstone again. Played alot the last month. Decided to buy all the mini sets last night and spent a decent ammount. I do use hearthstone deck tracker if that’s a bannable offence i have no idea i just noticed streamers using it so i did to. I’m currently rank 5 and can’t drop any lower so i do leave game early when i’m trying new decks but never have i ever hacked. I don’t even know how to hack. I think playing a game cheating is pointless. Not sure what kind of automated system you guys have but WTF.


You should appeal the suspension. This link should take you right to the appeal request.


Good luck.

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Some players may have reported you out of spite. But you should appeal

I did appeal right away. I guess some part of me wanted to think when microsoft took over things would get a little better with these automated bans but that was wishful thinking.


I would try to get the money back from your bank/credit card company, tell them you never received what you paid for or something. I’ve been down the appeal road with blizzard and now microsoft 3 times now, I can almost guarantee you it doesnt get overturned and your account reopened. IF you even get a response at all it will be about 3-7 days and its going to be an automated response that says the following…


This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( https://blizzard.com/support/article/42673 ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Battle.net Terms of Use can be found at https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html

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