I just received an email that says i got permabanned

in the email it says, they are not going to answer to appeals since they take that action “very seriously” and do that only after a deep analysis. which is ridiculous since im 100% sure i didnt use any other 3rd app other than firestone or deck tracker which everyone use.

the reason is i use bots? how? i dont even know how to use bots. and i would never do that since i also pay for season pass every single season. now i just feel like i got scammed and i lost my trust to this “small indie company”.

What is firestone and deck tracker? I’ve been playing for 10 years and never used them

I hear if you get 5 other people to pass this message of your unfair banning to 5 other people each, you’ll create a ponzi-scheme chain-letter to get all of you re-banned all at once.

Do you have any input automation software running the background? E.g. a mouse software that keeps repeating a click if you keep it pressed?

BTW if you try to get free XP by finding ways to complete tasks automatically it’s bannable because it’s player play without playing.

If none of the above, were you using too many core classic cards in your last deck? Most people think core classic cards immediately means a bot if they don’t immediately see any kind of strategy with them (lamplighter + classic elementals is NOT a strategy unless you got upwards of 2 bounces in the public’s eyes)

Never heard about firestone but deck tracker is super common. Every streamer and probably majority of regular players use it - it keeps track of what cards were played, still left in deck, and a few other things. All things you could theoretically remember or write down on a piece of paper if you really wanted to.

As for the OP, I have no idea, but real false bans would indeed feel like a scam.

Yeah, I just use my brain, makes sense that most would need a third party application to tell them things though.

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