I just proved again the game is wigged, try it yourself

Okay, so I was getting matched up to a lot of plague DKs. Like 5 out of 10 games for some reason and was losing every match.
I have played the game since inception and I know making a deck to defeat a pre-made deck is pointless, the algo will never match you with the pre-made deck if you have a 100% chance of beating it.
This is a fact. (also that means the algo is rigging the matches by looking at your cards and the opponents before it matches the games)
Anyway, so I decided to make a deck that would beat plague DK 100% all the time.
I put a deck of lunacy in my deck, a geist, and a steam cleaner in my deck.
No way for a plague DK to beat that. I have been playing for several days now with this deck. No plauge DK matched against me.
Now, the algo will match you against the pre-made deck if the pre-made deck has another way to win. But it will never let you win out right to the deck you made a deck to specifically to beat. Maybe once in a blue moon it will.
So Just now it pitted me against a plauge DK, and guess what, I knew I would lose. Because of what I stated before. And yes, I did lose.
I used deck of lunacy to turn all the plagues into super-duper spells.
But the way the DK won was they played Harth Stonebrew at the very end, and it gave them a winning hand, and they beat me almost in one turn. It took one more to finish me off.
This will happen with any pre-made deck, you make a specific deck to beat.
You won’t get matched against them unless they have another way to win.
Put geist in your deck to defeat emerald golem druids.
You play it and destroy their emerald golems. But of course you didn’t win because they have a 1 cost emerald golem hidden in their ETC band card. So you still lose.
Try it yourself if you don’t believe me.


I have tried this myself many times. The typical example I use is back when Secret Mage was rampant and overpowdered. So I encountered these secret mages and I thought you know what, I’m going to make a deck with all the secret tech, that’ll show them.

Guess how many secret mages I faced after I started using that deck?

The answer should be obvious. Needless to say, yes, the game is wrigged. SilentStorm Strikes True Once Again


The MM can give you impossible enemies because of the unbalance. That is the biggest problem. There are still too many unfair cards in the game which should not even exist… there is no balance… By the way there is no such thing like 100% win chance in my opinion… the game can make you fail even against the most favorable match up if it wants or your enemy has extreme luck. I try prepare my not meta deck against everything but it seems impossible. Reached D5 in 5 days, and since that… D3 was my highest rank because I have no chance against Reno decks and removers mostly… Reno is still too strong… I just don’t have time to build another board in time. This card was one of the biggest mistake the developers ever made… not to mention Yogy and other too powerful removers… And not just these… but the amount ppl can use of these… makes it absolutely unfair… These are things which killing the game nice and slow…


You guyz have discovered the truth, the prophecy was real then :scream::scream: how it will end now? :thinking:

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Didn’t need your input to know that the game doesn’t grow real hair
Of course it’s wigged


The secret prophecy indicates that it is contraindicated to pull out your real hair while playing.
And I add : even before and after the game !

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I don’t use tech cards to defeat a speficic deck. I use tech cards to avoid those decks on ladder :smiley:

The problem with these conspiracy theory posts is that there’s one very simple, easy answer that is true, that you actually admit straight up:

That is actually legitimately a thing that does happen. They call it “skill based matchmaking” and the game literally admits to it. Like LITERALLY, it will tell you during the “finding a match” spin, “you are being matched against a person of your skill level.”

How the fudge would it “know” your skill level? If it were TRULY random?

It can’t just go by rank, because ranks get reset / people take breaks / etc. Plus, there’s nothing to stop a legendary player from making their entire deck, nothing but 10-costs.

So, it looks at other factors, such as win-loss ratio, time elapsed in various modes, and your prior purchasing history. The goal isn’t to make a balanced game because balanced games don’t make profit. Few people are buying Chess on a monthly basis.

The goal is to create enough IMBALANCE to cause envy, and temper that with enough psychology and performance metrics to entice a trip to the cash shop.

It’s a very simple answer and you completely down play it, with all of this crazy contradictory crap like this:

Which is it? Will it “never” let me win, or “once in a blue moon?” How do you quantify that?

Complicated and convoluted answers that are false, are what conspiracy theories are all about. You don’t need all that. Just stick to what we know is true: the game is rigged.

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This is what you think, not “we”.
Speack only for you.

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Hmm, you are right. But we can do something about it.

I am hereby allowing him to speak on my behalf in this specific matter. Voila. The “we” is now true.

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It’s weird because I read your comment and you were so close to being right (which tbh, is shocking in and of itself), but your simpleness in assessing how the game works, is your undoing. I appreciate that you do admit that the game is indeed rigged though.

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We = “few” or “many” people, that’s ok.

Just “we” is not = “all the people”.

VoilĂ  :wink:

Ok, so how do I find my skill level, and how do I tell what my opponent’s skill level is?
I have played since the game came out. I have had this same blizzard account since World of Warcraft the burning crusade. To give you some background.
I don’t see a skill level number next to my opponents.
I will wait patiently for you to explain yourself.

I did the same experiment only I’m a non plague DK and haven’t seen one today

Woah something something causation & correlation

The 2 mana remove everything including locations card being used on me multiple multiple turns in a row was so fun tho

Yes. And? That is nothing new.

This proof you speak of is just your word?

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I’m starting to believe all of this too. Same happens to me. Facing a ton of a certain class/deck and teching in some cards to match up better against a certain deck and just never see up them again, switch back and they show up again . It’s a method to get you to spend money in the shop . It’s all about money these days, these money hungry corporate devils are only out to get our money. They don’t care about if we’re having fun or not. I’m done with hearthstone and blizzard all together. I’m done being taken advantage of

I arrived at Legend in standard mode with the BROKEN druid deck called COMBO DRUID, it was on Saturday the 6th of this month.
The deck was so broken that Blizzard banned a key minion from the build… the company banned the card because the deck was so broken! I took advantage of it for one day, it was more than enough to reach legend rank!

Tip: Give up wild mode, it’s better to take a legend in standard mode.

UPDATE: I made the OP 4 days ago.
I have continued to play my anti-DK plague deck.
Since that post, I have not been matched with one plague DK and I have played every day for hours and hours while trading stock options and watching reruns of Three’s company on PLUTO tv.

Try it yourself.

100% proof the algo is rigging the matches.
It’s not randomly picking opponents out of a hat.
It examines your cards and the opponents and 100% knows who will be the winner and the loser.
If the algo is programmed to rigg that, then what makes people think it does not curate the cards as they are delt?
After all it is easier to program curating the cards to make sure people get enough wins so they don’t quit then to actually make the game random where some decks lose 100% of the time.
Amirite bois?

I have a genius level IQ and have played since inception and see patterns lower IQ people won’t notice.

Another thing the algo will do is if you don’t play for a long time, it will let you win a lot of matches to get you playing again. If you keep playing though for hours and hours and hours and hours it will start making you lose almost every match.
Amirite bois?

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