I just came back to the game..... Its pretty sad

So I have not played HS since Uldum, I was an okay player that got to rank 1-2 most of the time when I played and I like control decks (I think I got Legend once), it was fun to win off having to plan for what my opponent could do, it felt like it took some skill and effort.

With the most recent expansion I found my self bored in WoW waiting for the next raid and I came back to play bought some packs disenchanted a bunch of old cards and build a war deck for standard. I quickly came to the conclusion that this style of play was longer really viable as I could clear the board every turn and still die to people just spamming out dmg mindlessly. I got frustrated and made a frost DK deck. I have instantly shot up to diamond 5 and am still climbing putting in little to no thought. I don’t play around anything I just zug zug face as hard as my fingers will let me and auto win if I get good draws, I don’t even know what cards anyone has or what decks they are running. I SHOULD NOT BE DIAMOND 5!!! I have 0 game knowledge the game should not be this easy.

As with most card games the problem is power creep every new set of cards has to be better than the last and I think that really needs to change. Or at the very least as new expansions come out you need to knock the last set down so you don’t need to keep climbing. Playing a 6 mana 5/5 that does battle cry 10 DMG !!! Is just blatantly absurd and its not even the best card! Make it a strategy game again please and thank you.


You and those complaining the game is to hard or rigged should sit down for lunch.


This misconception is the only reason blizzard gets away with adding so much power creep. Most ccgs have little or even no power creep, but somehow this community is full of people who attempt to normalize it by saying “so like all ccgs, this one has a lot of power creep” (often followed by “I’ve only ever played this and 1 other ccg”).

Blizzard gets away with power creep because the players excuse them for it, and the players excuse them for it by pretending it’s normal. It’s not. For any ccg not carried by a huge ip, major power creep = death for their game. If this community had the same standards as others do (instead of a much lower standard), blizzard would face the same ultimatum of designing well (without power creep) or losing their players. In the end, the players caused power creep to continue by deciding they’re ok with it.


You know, there are some people who are just good at hearthstone, who can pick things up pretty quickly and instinctively are able to make the right moves. However, you have stated that once upon a time you hit legend, so it makes sense that you got to Diamond 5.

I have a number of friends who play this game that are only able to make it too Platinum. let’s not forget, there are a ton of players who are in Gold and silver. Not everyone who plays this game has the same skill level.

It is interesting though, that your post is complaining about how the game is to easy for you. However, if you read the forums there are way more complains about how people can’t climb and Blame RNG.

Power Creep happens in various games, and I feel it has to happen, it’s good that it happens, otherwise we’d all be stuck playing Classic Hearthstone, no offence to all you classic lovers.

I will also say this, it makes sense that someone by the name of ToxicTwinkie would have something to complain about. Just saying.

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First I want to congratulate you on being the first person on the internet to make such a well thought out just amazing joke. It truly is just great to witness such an intellectual retort. Bravo sir!

The point that you somehow missed despite you literally quoting it. Is that when I hit legend I had to play the game. I knew every meta deck inside and out and I had to think and put forward an effort, and because this is a “strategy game” that is how it should be. Here I am now right off the street I know maybe 10% of the cards in standard (cause they are in my deck) and just because I can do simple math and trade right (not that I ever trade cause Zug Zug) or know when I have lethal, I am instantly back to my highest rating. Such a climb indicates that the game requires ALOT less strategy than it did and I think that is sad.

Just because others are bad at something does not mean the meta is good. I would also argue that most of the lower rank players are there because they don’t play enough to climb all the way or play sub optimal things because they find it more fun.

Maybe they are control players that are just more stubborn than I am that cant win cause Zug Zug face is the only good archetype. If I come back in 5 years, the way it is going its going to be just turn 1-2 combos that OTK people sounds like fun to me.

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I would like to say to be fair – DK’s are stupidly strong right now, and can’t tell you how many games I have lost in Diamond because they Frost Fury me 3+ times in a row and there is literally NOTHING I can do about it.

They gave DK’s insane playability and all 3 deck types are top tier.

Paly only really have 2 decks (and I only really see Pure Palys)

Hunters have 1 deck, Priests have 1 deck I mean technically if DK’s were not in the game it would be way easier to hit legend because you would not be facing situations you can’t control at all.

Only sad? This game it’s a colossal scam, false rng, matchmaking manipulation, bots all over… Only sad……

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Yes, Dk’s are strong, there is no denying that. I have reached legend a few times with Frost DK in Standard and Unholy in WIld. However, they’re not impossible to beat. I have lost plenty of matches along to way to Legend with both from Diamond 5 to legend.

The thing is When you hit Diamond 5 everything changes, the players you face from that point on are going to be better than what you faced below Diamond 5. For the most part players in Diamond 5 into legend play aggro decks, that has been my experience over the last couple of years playing at this level. Frostwyms furry is a 7 cost card. Good aggro decks will have you dead by turn 6. Frostwyms will usually seal the deal, but not always.

Do i think they will change this card, possibly, however, there is a chance they might leave it. I personally don’t have an issue with this card. Frost DK’s are very strong and I’ve played plenty of them. Priest and Hunter do very well against them, at least for me. I enjoy playing all these classes and I guess because I’ve played a ton of DK I know what to expect.

But with that being said, I firmly belive that every class gets their moment to shine. Dk’s have had a good run and hopefully everyone who enjoys that class has had time to enjoy the decks, because I certainly did.

I’'m hoping Warrior will be the next class we are all complaining about. :slight_smile:

So then you hit legend again, or is it still that 1 time?

You don’t need to know the meta inside an out to hit legend. The first time I hit legend 3 years ago, I didn’t know the meta, I just got better.

I took a break as well, only to find out my favorite mode “mercenaries” has been discontinued. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

The free packs were not for everyone it seems either, despite my last expansion being the mechs. :kissing:

Last time I tried to play HS in ranked, I was only meeting Meta decks without having cards myself since the 5 year break, so I was looking forward to continue with mercenaries at least.


I know when I think of well tuned cards with absolutely no power creep, the first thing I think of is Dr Boom, Mad Genius

That’s the point its a strategy card game you should HAVE to know the meta game pretty well to hit the highest rank. If the game has devolved to just hit face and hope you draw better there is no strategy its just a clicking simulator. I am up to dia 2 I am sure I will hit Legend when I get to sit down and play for a bit.

Welcome to Garbagestone, hope you brought your hip waders.

so most games doesn have powercreep and at the same time their players complain about powercreep

i know MTG, yu gi oh ,shadowverse ,eternal and runeterra have power creep which ccg games did you play without it ?

Duel masters, undercards, duelyst, infinity wars, krosmaga, force of will, exodus tcg. This list is by no means exhaustive of course.

2 times now, just hit it after they nerfed DK and just made the same deck but with a different class (priest) cause zug zug go face priest is a thing. Time to put the game down for another 5 years what a joke.

-Waves hand- This is not the thread you’re looking for.

You truly are