I issue a challenge to yall!

Build a deck, with only neutral cards, then add me as a friend, and play against me, if you dont play on US servers, you can give me the deck code, i will then build it for you.

the winner gets fun
you get to have fun


I’m sorry, I don’t know what fun is, I’m going to need a special card back for my participation.

Or at least some achievement points that I can’t spend on anything but at least number go up.

Seriously though I’m currently not playing HS.

achievements are fun for me, because im not trying to get them

i dont care if i get them

so for me, when i get it, it wasnt work, it was fun and interesting


I did add you as friend after our game today but maybe it wasnt you? (Warrior vs Shaman)

i have not played warrior or shaman for several days

Someone else likes your username then!

or we both like pizza

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I reminds me of when I made a deck ONLY with legendaries or at least all the legendaries I could fit plus the neutrals that could discover other legendaries. It was a very weird deck and sometimes interesting. It would often lose horribly but sometimes it would turn extremely OP; I wonder if decks like that are underappreciated; I mean they may lose horribly a lot of the time but they may win very easily some other time.

i have a all legendary paladin deck

saw someone on reddit pull up with an ALL DIAMOND mage deck, had to be worth at least 1k dollars lmfao

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zeddy made a 1500$ diamond deck