All Heroes Reached 500 Wins Deserves a Special Card Back

I’ve been playing Hearthstone for 7 years and I just make all 11 heroes reach 500 wins or higher which is not an easy thing to do. I was expecting a special card back to celebrate this achievement, but apparently it didn’t happen. This is a missing opportunity.

All Heros that reach 500 wins already get a reward… it’s called a Golden Hero. There is no missed opportunity here. I’d take the golden hero over a card back that I"m never going to use.

I think you are thinking of the reaching level 60 with a hero that nets the golden hero.

On the one hand, I do agree with the OP that this COULD be an opportunity for a special achievement.

On the other hand though:

I think “expecting” special recognition when there is literally zero evidence whatsoever to support said recognition will come, for a game this long in the tooth, is more than a little silly.

It’s a missed opportunity, but it’s also one you should not have “expected.”

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The existence of golden hero and special card back like Legendary are all designed to attract players spend more time on the game while having fun. 500 wins on one hero is time consuming, imagine all heroes. For game developer, not providing a card back, it’s for sure a missed opportunity.

Why do you care so much? Why not at 750 too? Why not at 250?