I have to post this. Hit for 144 damage in standard!

You have got to see this. I was just hit for 144 in standard. I did not know this was even possible! And I was just about to hit Diamond 10. :frowning:


Thought I had this game in the bag!


yeah… Il’gynoth or however it’s spelled.

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Is this the highest you’ve seen?

I’m not sure. that card can get pretty crazy if it isn’t dealt with.

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T7/T8 is really peak UiS meta where I’m sure the DH player is having the best time ever as you miserably watch them draw/play/reduce their entire deck and although you are at full health with well over 30/30 stats on board, you are completely destroyed from hand.

Grabs a drink


thats the issue of the game getting slower, those old nerfs turn into dust as those t7+ combos start popping up again


That’s a really good point I hadn’t thought about! Although, I’d rather a later game OTK than an earliy one. Right?


i’m not a huge fan of otk type stuff, i prefer the slow, hard fought battle, where you and the opponent are trying to see who can come out on top


I am a fan of a couple different ways of playing. I do enjoy what you describe, though. Right now, I’m using Handbuff Paladin, and it’s really fun.

ditto. I like the boxing match type of fight. I hit you, you hit me, etc.
Mind you; If I sneak a CS in and prevent you from hitting me, I’m cool with that, lol.

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Dunno where else to post this, but … One star from Diamond 10. I am praying.


You got this Kills, just hang in there:)

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@Mallenroh. I made it, buddy!!! Finally! I wish I tried out Handbuff Paladin before! Thanks for all of the encouragement. I truly appreciate it. I’ll be back in a bit!



I like the back and forth as well but there is a reason OTK exists. And I’m glad it does. But not turn 5-9 ridiculousness.


It’s a combo the devs are aware of, considering it plays part of a story battle (Illidan’s story vs Akama is set up exactly to get Il’gynoth, 2x Artificer, 2x Felosophy and Felscream Blast, the difference being there’s no discounts but Akama can’t get rid of Il’gynoth as long as you keep it solo).

The DH draw and card gen that allowed this was absolutely stupid. I don’t mind card draw/gen in a match but what I just watched was ridiculous. Dude went from, essentially, no win condition to 140+ damage in 2 turns.

Congratulations! Onward to Legend:)

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as long as the OTK can’t be performed before turn 10, I’m ok with it :joy: