I have to change options.txt to be able to change resolution

I have literally stopped playing standard completely because I have to close down the game, open the options.txt and change numbers to be able to play battlegrounds.

I only play battlegrounds now for the past 2+ months because I can’t be bothered to change everytime I want to swap between the game modes. Battlegrounds is only playable for me if I force down the resolution. And I enjoy battlegrounds just a bit more than standard, but would like to be able to play both.

I used to be able to do this VERY easily by just changing the resolution in Options. But since a patch that came out two months ago I have not been able to.

The new expansion looks like a lot of fun and I would really like to enjoy it and keep doing my monthly climb to legend. But as long as this doesn’t get fixed I guess I just wont…

Can you please change back to how it was before?