I have one question and only one question

Does the AI just randomly shuffle the cards before the game without looking at your cards, and then they stay in that order for the entire game?
Something some MS-DOS code could do in 1990.
Or is the code more complicated and there is no shuffling and the AI curates the cards one by one?
I can’t figure out how certain builds always get their super dupers on the flop.
The shadow priest always gets their double damage card on the flop, the pirate roge always gets their fish weapon on the flop and so on.
It’s never withheld to the back of the deck because their build depends on those cards.
Meanwhile half my deck could mitigate the double damage shadow priest card and all those cards will be withheld.
Anyone know which way it is?
MS-DOS rng shuffle before the game starts, and the cards come out in the order they were shuffled or are they curated? I know this is a touchy 3rd rail kind of issue that gets you banned for asking, usually because if the answer is “curated” then the game is being wigged. Why would anyone play a wigged game?

I believe it’s shuffled twice at the beginning - before the mulligan and after it, if you change at least 1 card

I suspect that, but I’m not sure, because if you mulligan away 2 of the same card, you can still get one of them back after the mulligan xD

Afterwards, only special effects from cards can make it shuffle again (plagues, Symphony of Sins, etc)

Whenever a card is shuffeled into your deck, the order of all cards in your deck is changed. Unless the card says otherwise, like bottom of the deck or similar.

The same happens at the start of the game.
That ppl find certain cards in time is not just luck, most cards you’ll run twice, the Chance to get one copy in time or if you hardmule for it isnt that low.
Also there are plenty of tutors to help finding them.

Some decks are so optimized that you will think they always get the perfect card right away, while in fact they either have a lot of similar cards that would all make you think “of course they draw THAT card”, or they have enough tutoring to consistently draw the specific card they want.

The odds of getting a specific card when you hard muligan for it are also higher than people would think, than can weigh in the balance

Easy – they don’t.

The few times where they do get them stick out in your mind, and you’re conveniently forgetting all the other times where they don’t get them.