I have never won an Arena match. Ever

Aside from the fact that my arena card choices never offer anything that syncs, I have yet to win a single match. I am a F2P Hearthstone player but have spent thousands on WoW over the years, been playing WoW since 2007.

While I’m probably a bad player who needs to “l2p” and “git gud”, what are the odds of this happening if matches are based on… what is it they say it’s based on?

All kidding aside, what are the odds?

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100% if the amount of matches played < 1


I will not consider myself to be an expert at arena until I can average 7 wins per match, but I play enough to offer some tips to help you get better:

1). Use a site like HSReplay to identity the best performing classes in the current arena environment.

Right now, the best classes are Hunter, Paladin, Warlock, Druid, Rogue, and Mage.

Don’t be afraid to lean into playing a class that is more your play-style rather than some other class that is performing better according to the stats, but you dislike that class and have a hard time making it work. For instance, I hate Demon Hunter, and I would rather pick Mage (with mediocre stats) over DH (when it has good stats). Right now, Druid is outperforming Mage, but I would pick Mage over Druid, because I have a lot more experience with playing Mage and making the class work for me.


HSReplay can also help identify the best cards in the format for each class by looking at their win percentages.

I play on a mobile, but if you are playing on a PC there are add-ons, which provide scores to help you identify the stronger cards. Just be aware that things like card synergies or antagonisms, or mana curve can be factors, which override high scores for better draft choices.

2). Learn a little from watching an expert streamer who does a good job of explaining their decisions. Kolst does a good job at this, but his last YouTube post was like four weeks ago, and since then, the Meta has shifted away from DK, Shaman, and DH.


3). There are a lot cards in arena that are too broken or impactful for the format, which means that you must have quick answers to these cards or the board-states that they create, so I prioritize cards like removal, Rush, and Charge, because they can quickly impact the board to solve a problem. Cards like Oragami Frog or Burrow Buster are Rush cards that are often easy to draft.

4). As you draft cards be mindful of how the deck is going to win. This often means paying attention to card synergies. For instance, as a Hunter, based on what is being offered, are you going to lean into Beasts, Deathrattles, or Secrets? As Mage, one of your best win conditions might be to play Grand Finale to create a wide board of 8/8 elementals, but to do that you are going need a supply of cheap elementals.

One cannot just focus on drafting value cards or card advantage. As one drafts, it’s important to gather answers while identifying and developing a deck with win conditions.

5). Play on all three servers to get more quests and gold to fund your arena drafts while you are learning.

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Same but with duels, only thing I ever saw in there was bomb rattlegore warriors and rarely a league of explorer member with an actually interesting deck.

@zee I’m not convinced hsreplay is helpful on any front. It doesn’t identify the best cards in any format and it doesn’t even track cards in most modes anymore. It tracks your win loss rate, and that’s pretty much it… and after having open for my last Arena game, it didn’t collect any useful stats because I will never get the same deck again. Besides that, I shouldn’t need game cheats and addons to win… one… just ONE… game.

This game is supposed to have some kind of built in algorythm that matches you with players of similar standing. If that were actually the case, i would me paired with the worlds worst players, and considering that most players I’ve faced always seem to have amazingly synced cards with the cards that are too broken or impactful for the format, that match their class perfectly, I’m going to say that the game is slanted towards them, the cash to win players.

As for synergies… bwahaha, I get the most unrelated, usless and highest cost duds ever.

I mean… as previously noted, I’m sure i need to “LTP” and “git gud” but I’m not 100% convinced that I’m the entire problem, as terribad of a player as I may be, there should be some sore ofalgorythm to match me with players of my same horrible skill level.

Editing in as an afterthought, If I’m losing 100% of my arena matches, according to Blizzards statement regarding matching player of similar skill, I would think that either I would be offered better card choices or be matched with another 0 win ranked player.

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HSReplay’d data may not be perfect, but it’s not useless. It’s certainly less accurate shortly after changes are made to the Arena format, but the data improves greatly after a few weeks of new changes.

Sometimes when there is a rotation of sets in Arena, I will go look at the cards available for each for each expansion and each class, and based on what I see, I will make predictions for what I think will be the top two or three classes in the new meta. Often HSReplay’s data will slowly confirm my predictions to be true for the new meta.

Currently, the data indicates that Hunter, Paladin and Warlock are the best Arena classes. Have you played enough of the current Arena to agree or disagree with this assessment?


A quick overlook at the higher win percentages for cards for each class my help give you insight into how good some cards are as compared to what you previously thought about them. For instance, is Victorious Vrykul on your radar as good card to draft for Hunter? Or Alliance Bannerman for Paladin. Would you draft Alliance Bannerman over Consecration? Would you draft a Trogg Gemtosser over a Ring Matron for Warlock?

In general, Arena simply attempts to match players with a similar win-loss record, and it avoids the use of a hidden MMR value, except perhaps with new players. In other words, Arena generally does not match by skill level, but rather it attempts match you with a player with a similar win-loss record to your current Aren run. Although the longer it takes to match you against an opponent, the greater the chances are that it might match you against someone with a dissimilar record in order to find you a match in a timely manner.

How many Arena games have you played? If you have not played Arena very much, and you have not won very many games, how do you blame the game’s matchmaking system over yourself for your losses?

Ask yourself, how likely is it that my opponents are more experienced and better at playing Arena than myself? What are the odds?

My tag around 1100 so i never paid this game but i play since it released. Accept arena loses and top decked oppennents if you never pay.

You can also guess what they will top deck or if they have hero skin something will save them.

i just concede as long as i see top deck or something like this. Doesn’t worth to watch algorithm working for paid people.

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OMG I actually got ONE win!! In the last 3 days I have played about 3 dozen heroes. Today I played a Mage that granted me 1 loss, 1 win and 1 loss.

I look forward to being paired with players of similar rankings. I’m not holding my breath though.


(20 characters)

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2 quick tips:

Drafting is half the game in Arena. Make sure you have a good amount of 2, 3, 4 cost cards in your deck, late in the draft don’t grab a 3rd copy of a 6 cost card just because it looks good if you still need to fix your mana curve of 2, 3, 4.

Also I use this tool called ArenaTracker for drafting: https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker

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if uwana win lots of games on arena, there’s one thing u can do. pay blizzard :slight_smile: best solution. the game algorithem likes to **** f2p in the $. and dont listen to the nerds on here telling u “oh u need to get better in drafting bla bla” cuz in this stupid game it doesnt matter how good u play. the only thing that matters is what kind of OPPONENTS u going to be matched against. il give u a simple example. for me almost every single arena run is fighting shamans. like its the only fking class in this stupid game. and why is that?cuz shaman is boosted. the only class who have board clear, single minion removal/silence . life steal/healing. weapons.discover,minions buffing, card drawing, elemental synergy. and of course the stupid excavate cards. every shaman i fight has at least 4 excavate cards, if u try playing agressive. and get their low they will suddenly draw healing/ life steal cards healng all the damage back. if u try making trades. it will end up with them having 1000 cards in their hand while u got 2.iv watched some arena streamers. and no one even notice that many of the “good players” dont fight a single shaman in a 10 plus matches run. shaman players can play poorly, making huge mistakes but always seem to recover.i just dont believe that me fighting 5 shamans in a row is a coincidence(and yes it does mean i can win some but oh boy. its so tedious. its always a 30 min match.) and that makes me believe that the matches are rigged not just to make u lose but also to make matches longer. do urself a favor and play a different game. even a moba will be better. because good players can still make mistakes and u can take advantage of that and win. but in hearthstone its impossible . fighting an algorithm is just futile
.and cmon community manages (blizzard employees disguised as players) , im waiting for ur lectures and ur get gud comments <3

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