I have a counteroffer Blizzard (Updated Quests)

Here is my counteroffer:

Leave the quest XP as it is now with the change, and put the quest requirements back to how they were before you touched anything.
It is possible that this way I will continue playing your game and even continue to paying you as I did before.

I want to play and have fun, not be forced to play to get some things that I could have fun with.

This is my last offer.

PD: We, the players, are the only ones capable of maintaining a game or letting it die, so don’t “play” with us.


You guys are trapped arent ya, like Agent Smith… lol

pssst smells are real.

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Don’t settle, stand firm and uninstall.

If you compromise now, you’ll compromise again next time. If you believe this will be the final instance, you couldn’t be more mistaken. These practices will persist as the game evolves. Either quit now and strike where it hurts, or stop the nonsense.


Better yet, allow players the option to either remain competitive, or to allow us to pick from the entire pool which 3 weekly quests we want to have assigned, kinda like build your own Zilliax. This would especially benefit those of us casual players (and beginners even better) who are not competitive and don’t care so much about paying attention to wins (the wins still would apply to your ladder progression).

If OP wasn’t a paying customer then this isn’t possible

Those who spam the “F2P players don’t matter” agitprop are lying, and clearly ignore the metrics based model the company has been running off of for some time now.

Because the whales and small infrequent purchase players aren’t enough to keep the game going.

If every f2p player quit today, the game would be gone tomorrow.


Funny thing is that if enough people quit the game and make Hs unprofitable instead of fixing the game they will unplug it like they did with other games so there is not even point of doing any kind of protest.

Best thing you can do for yourself is uninstalling the game and moving on.

And never forget that blizzard activision games are nothing more than a money grabbing schemes.

"You know there are those candies that comes in every color and looks absolutely delicious you feel like if you lick those different colors you will get every kind of flavor but when you actually try them it turns out to be the cheapest possible sugar taste.

So That is how Blizzard games are they look nice presentable for marketing purposes but tastes absolutely cheap but unlike those candies they also add some addictive stuff in it so you don’t abandon it right away."

Only working for the company would incentivize such a comment.
Any player leaving is a loss. Suggesting otherwise reflects a corporate mindset.

Your comment implies: “Don’t leave if you’re free-to-play for you do nothing by doing so”
What motivation would someone not affiliated with Blizzard have to make such a statement?


You know how sometimes in military outfits… some shlubs gotta peel potatoes and KP all day lol…

Yeah hes being punished and has to monitor forums 22 hours a day.

Hes like Agent Smith hes hoping enough people quit the game to free him of this hell.


Right. I’m actually totally okay with the adjusted weeklies now. I think it actually benefits those who put more time into the game while also not making not it impossible for casuals to complete them.

This is crazy talk. No one who works for blizzard would ever waste their time posting here.

This. Along with so many other outright anti customer statements made by so many around here. The outright contempt for the playerbase is so transparent in the posting (and the lack of action by the mods) are dead giveaways.


In 2010, Blizzard’s Community Manager, Nethaera, wrote on their official forums that "Blizzard employees sometimes post and interact with players in these [game] forums in their free time, but it’s not something we announce or promote.”

The only “crazy talk” is pretending it doesn’t happen. Interesting he doesn’t deny the accusation though. Especially considering why the mods won’t action a lot of the bad faith actors here, even when they repeatedly commit final warning and worse offenses.

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The objective of this post is not a mere complaint, what is clear is that they are laughing at us out loud.

They are insulting us and we are accepting what they are doing.

F2P or paying members, it doesn’t matter, we all have our leisure time more or less, and certain rewards have been implemented that are obtained based on missions that “force” us to play every so often.

The problem comes when the company completely devalues ​​our time, causing us to play too much, generating an even stronger addiction to the game. This is a serious problem.

On the other hand, I am not making any concessions, I am asking that it go back to how it was before, but with the experience like it is now. I think it’s a good deal, or I’ll just leave, one less customer is money wasted.

So far I have been playing since the game came out, and I have bought almost all the 80 booster packs in the last few years plus the tavern passes, which is a lot of money for mere digital content, but it is money that I did not give up because it I have rented while having fun, with what they are doing the game forces me to play outside my range of fun and surely it is happening to more people, and I hope that messages like this raise awareness of this.

PD: Don’t feed the trolls, IDGAF about people who are completely lost, because of some ideals that doing three times as much work is considered an achievement, when they simply like to waste their time and waste it on others.


This. All smoke, mirrors and company propganda aside, they don’t value us or our time.

This was shown when they cancelled classic, again when the gave the finger to everyone who actually was scammed into spending money on mercstone (and I truly feel for anyone who actually bought all three pre order bundles, thinking the company was going to act in good faith), the scam mode twist, that they will lock for good one day with no notice, and killing duels.

This far in, microsoft is signing off on all of this, and the fact they never committed to making things better only showed that they had every intention of continuing to make things worse for players.

Even the so called “upcoming card adjustments” is only going to be just enough to try and make people think things are changing, not enough to actually change how they are doing things here. If they were serious, it wouldn’t have been sent second hand by someone else, a dev would have shown up in person. But they have abandoned this place since before the pandemic, and will continue their design practices (which people warned them would lead to the exact situation we are in right now), but they and their defenders only trolled everyone who disagreed with the “EVERYTHING IS AWESOME” propaganda.

And that too isn’t going to change any time soon either.