I hate the Wheel of DEATH!

For some stupid reason, I hit this card in the random spells with The Galactic Projection Orb. I have had my deck destroyed multiple times because of this one card. Maybe Blizzard needs a lower hit chance down for this single card in a random spell it can discover.

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First, let me thank you for complaining about this card in a way I did not expect.

Second, Galactic Projection Orb does not cast random spells. It will, however, re-cast Yogg in the Box if you played it earlier in the game, and that can cast Wheel of Death

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well, maybe Yog in the Box needs to have a lower chance of discovering that spell but other than both good cards. so far I love this set and the meta could use a little more fix but overall it’s not too bad to enjoy. My current mage deck like a 70% win rate at the moment out of 30 matchs.

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