I hate my life playing vs control decks

Don’t disagree but if someone else is buying the pizza I won’t complain.


See, I would never order or pay for one of those, but I don’t mind having a slice when it’s on the local buffet. It’s not my preference, but it’s not as terrible as people make it out to be. It’s certainly not deserving of scorn.


Yeah, actually. The difference is, when I play my control decks, if I play that board clear too early, I don’t get to legend. When I play aggro decks drunk, I get to legend.

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Then you are bad. I get to legend drunk playing control.

Funny how this is the first time you mention that. Almost like… you’re lying because you ran out of things to say. Just copied the first thing you lazily could, thinking it would win… just like an aggro player.



Just like you lie. It’s not like you have know how to do brain surgery to play this game. Anyone with a deck of around low tier 3 quality can get to legend drunk. Playing control doesn’t make you any smarter than anyone else.

:grinning: The only thing your post(s) is (are) missing, perhaps, is an illustration by this evergreen piece:


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[Citation needed]

I didn’t lie, but you admitted to doing so, so now I’m gonna need you to source any claims you make. You just can’t be trusted.

Such a typical troll response.

I don’t need citation. I played a control deck in Hearthstone once. That automatically makes me the smartest person in the world.

You’re an admitted liar. Yes, you do need to prove what you say now.

Because they’ve printed too many lifegain and removal cards that allow decks to stall out the game as much as possible. And then discover cards are cheap and efficient so you can discover and get more lifegain and removal cards without having to worry about conserving your resources.

It’s been that way for a while, but it keeps getting worse (well it fluctuates a BIT, but it’s been getting worse overall I’d say).

There’s also a modern tendency to not respect lifesteal, when lifesteal first came out they were REAL careful to make sure things that could damage stuff would have low damage totals if combined with lifesteal. Which… often meant lifesteal cards were kinda bad, but not always. Now we have like… lifesteal mixed with divine shield on a rush minion with no stat penalty at all.

Ptove what? That playing a control deck doesn’t make you the god of Hearhtstone?

I mean the opposite is also bad… games that end by turn 4.

They can’t balance this game anymore sadly.

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