I decided to connect my Twitch account to Battle Net to get Drops for watching streams. Instead of connecting from Battle Net, I started connecting from Twitch ITSELF. Twitch went to the Battle Net page and I entered the data on the page and after a while Twitch said that everything was successful. In the settings, twitch began to display that Battle net was connected. I was able to “pick up” Drops and thought that after a while Blizzard would do everything themselves. But after 24 hours I still did not receive drops and decided to check the Battle Net Account (IT WAS NOT CONNECTED). I CONNECTED the Battle Net account to my Twitch Account (in the connections section it is connected), also twitch Drops show that (Game Acc Connected). I think that Blizzard did not receive a request to redeem rewards and so I write to technical support with a request to check my Battle Net HardWrath#2597 account and connection with Twitch Connected to HardWrath_ . I WATCHED ALL EVENTS FOR ENOUGH TIME and Twitch allowed me to claim them ALL. I should receive 10 packs (5 packs of Great Dark Beyond and 5 packs of Emerald Dream) for Event Emerald Dream Tavern Brawl and 2 Emerald dream packs for the Welcome to Emerald Dream event . Also there is Drops (Tock the Clocker Spaniel), but this WOW related reward, which i also should claim. At the moment I have only 7 packs on my account (5 for taking Legend and 2 for Event Raptors). I have not received a single pack for views (Drops) Please help.
Write a support ticket to blizzard in this case.