I finally won with an off meta deck I made myself

Mind you; i only won once with it. But I’ll post it and you can see what i was trying for. Maybe it can be made better by players who have experience building decks.

Custom Mage (v1.3)

Class: Mage

Format: Wild

2x (1) Arcane Artificer

2x (1) Babbling Book

2x (1) Devolving Missiles

1x (1) Evocation

2x (1) Magic Trick

2x (1) Wand Thief

2x (2) Astral Rift

1x (2) Astromancer Solarian

2x (2) Frostbolt

2x (2) Primordial Glyph

2x (3) Counterspell

2x (3) Educated Elekk

2x (3) Ironbeak Owl

2x (3) Messenger Raven

2x (4) Fireball

2x (4) Vex Crow


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Do you think some Apprentices might get you more awesomesauce turns than the Owls?

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Well, probably but the owls were because I don’t have any real defense? just those and D missiles. but; maybe defense isn’t really needed in this deck? Idk. I need guidance lol

You know what I see when I look at this deck?

A Combo gameplan, just with somewhat worse cards. You’re generating spells then playing them along your Crows to generate threats in order to close out the game.

You want to play Combo Mage, you just don’t quite realize it yet lol


But this revolves around artificer, elekk, and and crow, or at least that was what i was trying to do. Flood the board with cheap generated minions by playing spells, and if that fails go face, lol.
And, its way easier to understand than the combination deck that is in meta.
Also? in my defense, I don’t think you can play an actual minion based tempo deck in mage. This was as close as i have come.
The current combo deck that you shared with me? is way more complicated than this and if you mess up with it you are practically guaranteed to lose, or; at least I am.

Yeah, I guess Sorc takes away from Artificer.

idk I’m a crummy deck builder. i just make joke decks lol

Aluneth seems like a good fit for an Educated Elekk deck, just saying.

Kk I’ll try that. Are there Elekk decks on Hrthpwn? I never even looked.

Would casting firdt and second Rays of Frost cause Elekk to give two FULL copies with Twinspell on each?

Cheapo Freezy Tempo could be a thing…

Interesting idea and idk the answer:) but it sounds cool if it works that way:)

There are some nest Freeze synergies that have rotated, I might throw something together when I get time.

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I’m guessing you’re playing in like copper or silver.

The primary design is around “artificer, elekk and crow”, yet you have no draw.

Your stall mechanics are needed in your ‘combos’, so that’s an ideal draw you’re hoping to have.

I don’t know - looking at this deck, it looks like you were on the path of 3 or 4 different win conditions, but you didn’t finish any of them. You can win simply by your opponent having a terrible draw :? Maybe that’s win condition 5

You could offer advice instead of snark.
But I suppose that would take all the fun away for you.

He was in Casual, messing with stuff.

We all know Mal isn’t the greatest deckbuilder, but some of that comes with practice and iteration. Helpful suggestions instead of picking on someone’s suboptimal choices might yield better results.


Irrelevant - not even snark - these were observations. You don’t go to a person with an amorphous object, and little to no understanding of an objective and ask for help. You only create two people who don’t know what’s going on.

You need to be able to fully understand the problem before you can attempt to explain it. -Albert or somebody

Help me help you if you’re really interested, otherwise, I’ll assume it’s just a worthless attempt at a snark of your own.

After reading your smug answer I wouldn’t want help from you were I a hemophiliac bleeding from multiple stab wounds. Ignoring you now.

@Wardrum: so I gather I need to narrow my focus to one win condition and add some draw? I like playing minions on curve and finishing with spells. Thats what i do best and so any advice at all to build that would be great:)

Your response was a little more digestible, but my point still stands.

The ideas that were going through my head were a $#!+ ton - so getting clearer guidelines on an idea would help me help you (or OP).

So you probably didn’t see 'cause of the way this forum is. You can only respond once to one player. (stupid)
But maybe I need to hone in on one thing? i like playing minions on curve and finishing with spells. idk if that is possible anymore in mage beyond the decks that already exist.

Usually that’s best. Flexibility can be good, but the most successful CCG decks tend to have one general gameplan. If I have time tonight when U get home, I intend to mess around with something I was getting ideas for when my shift was ending.

Basically, Mal is an old school player who really, really loves him some Curvestone with a burn finisher. Obviously Aluneth/Secret Mage is pretty much the purest expression of this right now, but he’s looking for other off-meta decks to build that still have a similar play-on-curve pattern.