I finally won with an off meta deck I made myself

Define your win conditions (this actually dates back to when the game was first released). What’s cool is you can have multiple win conditions, but the viability becomes more difficult the more conditions you try to create.

Looking at your deck compared to what you were aiming for; it seems like an extreme challenge given the amount of RNG you’re estimating to be in your favor.

The elekk value is in card generation to be used at a later time requiring a considerable draw engine. I don’t see much of a draw engine.

Some of the RNG is really random (not a choose 1 of 3, but just random) so you risk a lot of deck/hand pollution. Deck pollution also occurs with the elekk adding in opponent spells.

Sorcerer’s Apprentice is a staple of the mage deck simply for the gain on returns. Your ROI for a SocA is almost infinite (if you can consider that in a turn you can generate Evocation with each Evocation).

The arcane artificer is good if the theme of your deck is to be defensive, but cost wise, I don’t think it makes a good trade-off in a more aggressive deck. 3 mana 8 armor is better than 9 mana 8 armor.

It looks like you only have Solarian in there for the later effect of 5 random spells.

I go back to my initial statement: Identify your win condition(s)

RNG can be your win condition, if so, then you’re mostly there.

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I’m just trying to learn. I love burn mage, but I would like to play something else at times and yeah; curve decks are what i know. They are what i can do well.

I would add that messenger raven requires you to have high cost spells to win a battle of WAR(drum) buh dum bum.

I don’t see 2 cost spells winning a draw very often. Counterspell is very cost ineffective and is only really useful when created via RNG, or with a secret-cost-reduction interaction (pretty much all secrets for mages aren’t very cost effective - they’re only a staple of one deck - secrets mage; and that deck stacks cost reduction capabilities. Plus a secret is usually worth 4 extra average damage in that deck.

I am a massive mage fan (except this latest iteration), and one archetype I wish got more play was the Spell Damage minion generation. Unexpected results - couple that with Khadgar and you can set yourself up for a ridiculous T5 (Imagine just +1 spell damage on the board from 1 minion… that’s 4x 3 cost minions and a 2 cost) - not super impactful in the sense of massive damage, but impactful getting 14 mana worth of minions for 5 mana seems fun)

EDIT: OOPs wrong raven. Messenger is the 3/2 generate random 1of3 mage minion. Sorry!

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New mage hero - you always have +1 spell damage (passive). Game breaking with the current cards, but it fits the hero style. It would make it more impressive with cards built for that class since any stolen cards lose the organic +1 spell damage.

Ok - that’s just a random thougt.

Ok. Here is what I have now. I gave up on the elekk and the armor card(s).

Custom Mage (v1.3)

Class: Mage

Format: Wild

2x (1) Babbling Book

2x (1) Devolving Missiles

1x (1) Evocation

2x (1) Learn Draconic

2x (1) Magic Trick

2x (1) Tome of Intellect

2x (1) Wand Thief

1x (2) Astromancer Solarian

2x (2) Frostbolt

2x (2) Primordial Glyph

2x (2) Sorcerer’s Apprentice

2x (3) Counterspell

2x (4) Conjurer’s Calling

2x (4) Fireball

2x (4) Vex Crow

2x (12) Arcane Giant


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I never liked Vex crow - 2 cost minions are mostly anti-synergistic and you can roll a Doomsayer lol

Instead of fireball, what about forgotten torch?

3 mana 3 dmg / 2 mana 6 damage.

Was just thinking earlier that a neat card for December’s set would be a 1-mana 2-dmg spell that gives you +1 spell damage for the rest of that turn.

Synergy enabler, small spell package synergy, dillutes 1-cost pool from Wandmaker/Cobalt.

And cards based on hero powers lose effectiveness when “stolen”. Steal is kind of a dumb mechanic IMO - doesn’t add anything but flavor to random generation.

Make hero powers/abilities synergistic and it’s a whole new game… or back to the original style old game… whatever :slight_smile:

Right now, Hunter seems to be the only one getting love in that department.

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A straight dragon or elemental base would be a more straight forward build?

Thanks Reaver. Any suggestions for an elemental or dragon base deck?
I’m only just now trying to learn the art of deck building. Better late than never lol

State your build criteria (what you really want in your deck), and we can fill the remaining later.

So many cheaper spells, and many more to discover/generate. Seems almost blasphemous not to have flamewakers in there, but that might be getting a bit more meta than youre after. Glad you cut the hooters tho, they really didnt look right in that sorta deck.


I always wanted to make a Malygos deck similar to the old-school Malylock (lots of the BRM/TGT synergy cards) work, but never really got it close. Might not really your style with a combo finisher, but the original Malylock could be played like a midrange deck, the combo was a backup a lot of the time.

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You said dragons? This is what i came up with. Let me know what you think.


Class: Mage

Format: Wild

2x (1) Arcane Breath

2x (1) Devolving Missiles

2x (2) Dragon Breeder

2x (2) Faerie Dragon

2x (2) Firetree Witchdoctor

2x (2) Frostbolt

2x (2) Tasty Flyfish

1x (3) Brightwing

2x (3) Forgotten Torch

2x (3) Nightmare Amalgam

2x (3) Scalerider

2x (4) Azure Explorer

2x (4) Evasive Feywing

2x (4) Fireball

2x (5) Azure Drake

1x (5) Malygos, Aspect of Magic


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Sort of a burn/tempo thing my kind of style but it doesn’t seem good enough for wild. Other decks cheat way more than this so it may be too straight forward?

Keep an eye on this one and see how useful the spell damage is to you. The 5/5 + draw whos name I forget (I just call him chonker) might prove to be a better pick if youre playing it mostly for draw and stats on board.

ok. cool and tysvm. I have always used net decks, so this is like kindergarten learning my alphabet.
But; everyone says I would be happier if I tried different things and since I don’t like any other classes and don’t really have cards i figured this was a nice compromise. Just play in Casual and try to make my own deck:) At least maybe i won’t complain about how much i don’t like Standard these days:)

After you have your deck above, test run 10 games, and note what you found great/lacking in your deck. Make adjustment base on your findings.

Also if free,

See section on deck building.

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Welp, its a lot more constructive than complaints, here at least.

Im gonna plug the dragon deck in shortly before head out. Im sure theres more changes id make, dragons used to be to me what elementals are to wardrum, so its down my alley.

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I appreciate any help at all:)