I don't understand how this game is so terribly unbalanced

I’ve been playing off and on for years, mostly on an old account but I came back recently. I don’t understand how carelessly balance is approached in this game. It’s the most massively pay to win game I can ever recall even hearing about now, and the manner in which decks can be built to absolutely obliterate anyone not willing to spend hundreds of dollars seems like a terrible decision for a game in which children are likely playing and can be coerced into buying decks just to remain competitive.

I don’t know Blizzard. You’re failing hugely here with this game. It’s like you have completely abandoned even the most basics of common sense in regards to balancing.


Have to agree with you. Also, the pay to win meta is not even fun. Too many delay then one shot kill decks. Really not fun. Last, too many infinite draw decks. Please get rid of the mechanic where a mage or warlock or priest can draw cards the entire turn. So boring.


Just play other card games…This game doesn’t deserve a spit lately.


dude i am with you i really am i can no longer support this game. Today i played in duels against a reno who literally spent 7 turns stalling me and playing self stealth cards to stall the game and then played back to back 9 (0) cost fireball cards that took me from 55 health to 0 even though i was very clearly beating the hell outta him all game.

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Its been proven that it makes profits … many people spend money when they lose, in hopes they improve their stats … and when you do pay, you can notice you get much easier opponents and better RNG … for some time ofc, until it drops again and they want to make you pay more

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Yes thank you algorithm rigged (illegal) by microsoft.

It’s not about spending money - I have played this game for years and not spent a dime. It’s the crappy unbalanced cards combos they seem to miss. Barrel of sludge is a pretty obvious crap card

This game is just a big garbage rig (illegal).