I bought the darkest dungeon and add on content for $43.96 total

Hearthstone 69$-103$

Think about it

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TCGs/CCGs have never been a good investment really… even in the physical TCG realm you tended to not make money after a certain point in time in Magic unless you got very lucky in your pulls.

So… your point is what should be obvious to everyone. If your ultimate goal is $/hour of enjoyment CCGs are probably not your top option if your goal is to have a VAST majority of the cards. You can F2P both MtG:A and HS technically but it isn’t how I would want to play ether game as I like having 5-6 decks to jump between that are, in the every least, tier 3-ish in power.


Yesterday, I had dinner at a restaurant with friends and it cost me $ 100. I regret nothing.


I just downloaded a picture of a dog for $0 total.

Darkest Dungeon 43.96$.

Think about it.


I thought about it for a moment a decided I would be very unhappy if I had spent $44 on something like Darkest Dungeon. :frowning:


I spent more on WoW than on Hearthstone. WoW lasted me 12 years. Even in relative terms I’ve spent more on WoW year per year.

Sometimes I’ve spent only $20 or $30 on a Hearthstone expansion.

That’s the thing about entertainment. You pay for stuff you think is worth it. Sometimes it’s more expensive than other things. Sometimes it’s cheaper.

If you don’t think Hearthstone is worth it? Don’t spend money. I don’t think the mega bundles are worth it. So I don’t buy them.


I spent $0.00 on Rastakhan’s Rumble and I have 83% of the card along with the ability to make every deck in the meta. Think about it.

Seriously though - CCGs are a marathon … not a sprint. If you want to get all the cards now now now now then it’s going to cost you. But if you settle in for the long haul you can get most of the game’s content for nothing. All it takes is a little planning and a little patience.


This. My ALT is F2P, My main has every card.

When I go to make decks with my F2P I am surprised to find out “Hey, I have that card!” and didnt realize it.

You’d be surprised how fast it creeps up on you over the course of xpacs.


You can view Hearthstone as either an expensive videogame or a cheap card game.

One will make you feel bad, the other won’t. Neither will change what the game is.


Gotta echo this. Every time an expac rolls around, I always think “$50 isn’t all that much, and I’d have a headstart on all the cards.” Then I think about how I haven’t bought Mario Kart or Red Dead Redemption yet, and haven’t even popped open GTA V or Overwatch, and I start to ask if I’m really in a position to buy more games. Heck, I bought $70 in books a week ago, should I have instead bought cards?

Is Hearthstone a Ccg or a video game? If I spent 50 here that I could have spent on a new title, which would I rather have? If I spent 50 here instead of going into Magic, which was the best value? What is the value of those cards versus a couple pounds of fillet mignon, or a tiny drone, or anything else I could buy instead?

The question is not “can you afford it” because no, 50 bucks is not that much. The question is rather “am I going to enjoy dropping this money?”


I paid $15 for Stardew Valley, and got almost 600 hours out of it. Darkest Dungeon only gave me 120 hours.

Think about it.


Not for me. I spend 20-30€ a year on HS (this time a littel more if the adventure turns out to be good) and there are literally hundreds of games I’d call a “better deal” than handing over 80 bucks for some virtual cards that are erased as soon as the servers shut down.
Yeah, HS can be very fun and as I stated above even I spend a little from time to time but more than 50 per year seems kinda absurd to me.

Agree with this that HS was an inexpensive card game; however, as competition has moved in HS is now just the trendsetter, to a degree, on pricing models and isn’t the aberration that it was now that so many CCGs are available through digital means.

This needs to be carved into a gold plaque and bolted onto the header of every forum and automatically added to the title of every forum thread. Well spoken, sir.

The people who view dCCGs as “expensive video games” will never be happy. They are choosing to look cross-eyed at the game’s pricing structure, and then complaining that it looks fuzzy to them. Doing this lets them pretend to be martyrs to some invisible, unknown grievance against justice. I honestly think they actually enjoy making themselves feel miserable and persecuted. Otherwise their opinions are not to be explained.

Meanwhile the people who correctly see dCCGs as very affordable card games are happy as clams and making out like bandits. We can easily build any deck we want, get any card we want, compete on the ladder, rake in gold and resources, and play the game to any level we want for free … all while having a ton of fun.

And - as you say - Blizzard isn’t going to change the essence of the game for squat because it’s profitable while being fairly priced and accessible to millions. Why would they change it?

So really whether a person wants to be miserable or happy is all a matter of their own personal choice. I choose to be happy, content, and to play the game for whatever price I want. I don’t get why anyone would WANT to pointlessly make themselves miserable, but that’s what float’s some people’s boats I guess.


I used to put quarters in stand up arcade machines as it was my only option to play video games.

My best friends girlfriend worked at the arcade, she gave us free tokens, they later got married.

The Mega bundle is 80 dollars.

Think about it?


CCGs have literally always functioned this way and still do till this day, kinda stupid making comparisons to non CCGs eh? Think about it. Ignorance at its finest.

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I toasted a blueberry bagel, then put some cream cheese on it. I then ate the bagel.

Think about it.


Legitimate competitors like Magic are still more expensive. Other CCGs need to deliberately underprice in other to be noticed, and most of them suck.


I microwaved a plain bagel and put blueberry cream cheese on it.

Think. About it?


Ugh. Microwave? Way to get a soggy bagel.