I believe it is time

I believe it is time to unnerf Novice Engineer and make it a 1/2 again. Who is with me?

I dunno, too much power creep and a card game becomes just lots of random flashy animations until someone draws their mega-epeen card.

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why not make it a 2/2 it’s basically inferior to gold panner anyways

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Whoa whoa whoa bro, easy now. Let’s not go too far the other direction. We want it to be playable again, not meta defining

No it isn’t. Warrior doesn’t have a minion that doubles end of turn effects for the rest of the game.

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Yeah man be careful, if warrior is allowed to draw 2 cards and get a 1/2 body for 2 mana that might be curtains for hearthstone. Best we keep it as a 1/1 then? Damn…

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I didn’t say it’d be overpowered, I said it wasn’t inferior to a specific card

Bro you said Novice Engineer isn’t inferior to Gold Panner, lmao. I mean I get it, they are different cards with different effects, they can’t be compared directly. But you literally said “no it isn’t” in response to “it’s basically inferior to gold panner anyways”. Idk whether to laugh or cry

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Gold Planner is never drawing two cards. Let’s be realistic.

A 1/2 Novice Engineer would occasionally draw two cards in Warrior.

Novice Engineer would be stronger now because Brann.

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