I beat the Alterac mysteries

I put off finishing the Cariel dungeon puzzle because the prospect of finishing it seemed so intense and scary.

But I finally buckled down and did it. It took me about 3 hours to do, but I finally did it. I actually even got lost momentarily in the last dungeon and my heart nearly broke until I managed to figure out where I actually was on the map.

GOD, I hope they never make these puzzles again. They’re really clever and insanely well made, but man, that was such a slog. If they want to make puzzles, idk, make boomsday level difficulty of puzzles or something xD


Congratulations! I want to try this too someday.

All I can say is be as methodical as possible. Even as careful as I was, I was off a few times, and not to mention that big way I somehow got lost. I was off by like 5 spaces where I actually was.

I’m not the same man after that puzzle, dude. I sat at my computer for 3 hours for it, just switching back and forth between hs and the google excel doc of the map, methodically clicking, moving the arrow key, and counting out loud to myself. FOR THREE HOURS.

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I only beat the Castle Nathria mystery so far and I had to use pen and paper for that one. Like you said

Months ago I looked up the guides for the other mysteries and it looked VERY complicated. I will print everything out and spend the next hours talking to myself when I try them.

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Congratulations! I loved the Cariel puzzle. I printed out all the maps and used a safety pin to mark my spot which worked very well for me. It really felt like an adventure and I felt like I truly earned that cardback after all I had to go through to get it =D

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Printing it out might have been a better idea lol. I just switched bt the game and the google excel sheets. Just moving w my arrow keys and counting “5 up” “2 left” etc., and moving in-game.

It’s honestly less complex than most of the other puzzles–but just way more time consuming. I think the card back puzzles are an interesting showcase of what’s possible to create as a ‘game within a game.’