I am tired of the roge "I WIN," card

Plays bomb death rattle card that drops endless bombs on you until you are kilt.
What kind of game play is this?
There is no defense against it. Nothing. They play “I WIN,” card and they win.
There is no fun or card play to this.
No wonder this game is going out of business.


You need to understand: this game is a colossal scam, it is likely that the government authorities will sooner or later understand that it is not a simple video game but there are various manipulations and careful studies on the psychology of those who play


Yep just lost to that again. These devs are crap. They don’t play or properly balance this game in a timely manner. Microsoft should replace the entire team. What happens at a normal job when you don’t do your job properly? You get fired. Fire them all and replace them with people who actually got a clue. This deck wouldn’t have lasted this long 3-4 years ago. It would have been nerfed along with Time Warp Mage.

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