I am still not happy with this game

I came back to playing this game after not playing it for a few years . come to find out, thew’s still players that ARE HACKING. it seems as though they can STILL SEE MY HANDS AND yet they still beat me !! i’m sick of it . even though , now i can report but, what good is that going to do . NOT A DANG THING . i’m so sick of hackers i’m truly fed up . i sometimes feel like i have to be a hacker in order to win some single battles but, see that’s not me. i try to play fair.


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Why do you think your opponents are hacking? You haven’t really explained


Botting yes, hacking doubtful.

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A real hacker wont lose his time with this game, unless he can make some money.

well they seem to know what cards i’m playing and also when i came back recently , i seen that now i can report the users for either bad users name or harassment or hacking … so Blizzard or who ever does seem to acknowledge that people can hack into the game to see what their opponents cards

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There is no hacking in hearthstone. Get that stupid thought out of your head.

Guarantee you choose to play some predictable net deck that people have played over a hundred times so predicting your next move is fairly simple logic.

right and i’m Madonna . so answer this question then, why does Hearthstone of the options for us players to report another player for either hacking or botting ect ect. if Blizzard and hearthstone employees knows that people hacking and giving us the options to report what the other players doing then you’re lying when you say , there is no hacking in hearthstone.

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Out of all my games since 2016 ive never encountered a single hacker.

There are deck trackers but thats not considered hacking.

Nah, they just made a report category for it for funsies.

Because this dev team would literally waste the man hours putting a report button in the game, add “hacking” as an option (and we all their work ethic)…and it doesn’t happen.

The plural of anecdote is not data.

In the 9 years that this game has existed, there has never been any known instance of anyone hacking the game. Every reported instance of hacking has turned out to be someone not knowing an interaction or a bug.

What data would you prefer to see then, if a person playing since 2016 and noticing 0 hacking doesn’t count? Would you like to look through HSreplay games and see how many of them suddenly involve a deathwing spawning out of nowhere or a player playing cards without the mana? The number’s not gonna change, no one can hack the game because it’s handled server-side.

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yes, people are hacking the game, not to get CC info, not to steal data, no, they are hacking the game so they can “reads the post” win more.

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here’s the link of a video that shows you can hack into the game …

deck tracker … hmmm

knowing what your opponents haves in his hand ? … that’s not HACKING ?. …okay day day.

Believe it or not, no it’s actually blizzard’s fault that happens. Deck tracker only sees what your computer sees, but unfortunately blizzard thought that for the purpose of identifying “created by” sources your computer should see the identity of certain cards in your opponent’s hand. So quite often a new expansion will contain a card that creates and shuffles something into your deck, deck tracker is bugged to reveal it, and the bug is promptly fixed because deck tracker is handled by the actual professionals.

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Nobody is hacking in hearthstone. Maybe do some research or use common sense before spewing dumb crap. Deck tracker is not hacking, I personally don’t even use it because I already know what cards my opponent has in his deck, no need for deck tracker.

i have DONE some research not just one time but, quite a few times , i have done A LOT OF RESEARCH .so you think no one can hack into this game and you’re saying that you already know what cards your opponent have in their hand? … fascinating i didn’t know you’re Miss cleo .

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