I am sick to death of DH

I have had it with DH and DK. They are all I see aside from the occasional mage and warrior. I’m not super high, plat 9, but this is ridiculous. Every single expansion devolves into meta trash.

repost since some thin-skinned individuals took offense to me speaking out about their favored BS and got thepost removed. Good to see that the moderation team knows what is actually offensive.

Don’t worry, DH is to be nerfed today. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry. Are you upset meta’s occur?

I thought it looked familiar. I’m guessing someone(s) reported you because of not the subject of the post but you rude and horrible way of talking about it.

Am I supposed to sugar coat how I feel regarding the state of the game? Am I supposed to step on eggshells to keep from offending a faceless developer?

Yes, actually. A few decks being the ONLY way to climb is god awful game design. There should be a plethora of viable decks, not a small handful.

You don’t imo

However, the way you choose to express yourself can be received positively or negatively depending how you do so. I think it’s possible to express being upset without all the words you chose in that post.