I am done until you add a card or nerf Plagues

It is not fair that one class has cards and an ability that NOBODY can counter. Somebody (or a TEAM) dropped the ball when they decided to NOT make a new card like Steamcleaner.

Sorry to nit-pick but there is a counter.

Time to be a Warlock or Mage main, since they both have Chaos Creation (6 mana - Deal 5, Summon a random 5 cost and destroy the bottom 5 cards of your deck) and warlock has Wheel of death (Destroy your deck and win in 5 turns).

Fun and interactive counters, right.

If you play a competent deck, you’ll likely find that you don’t need a counter to those plagues.

I absolutely agree 100%. You shouldn’t have to play a certain class in order to counter a deck. Example, throwing minions/spells to freeze DH to hinder them, Dirty Rat to disrupt hand, ect.

As far as playing a competent deck, not sure what you mean. Unless you kill a DK before 17 plagues are in your deck, you have to deal with it. They can easily board clear by making undead venomous, or the bomb death rattle. Death Knight is my absolute favorite class, I just want to see all classes have a relatively fair chance at a match without feeling like you’re pushing a boulder up a hill.

plagues arent that good
the decks ive seen depend waay to much on me drawing the plagues

It doesn’t matter if they aren’t thatgood. How many times do people have to say it? They do not haveto be GOOD to be an absolute PITA and a slog to play against. ESPECIALLY when they made a card that makes them PERMANANT. Steamcleaner was, at the end, literally in every single deck I had. It was there to counter only DK. It was a dead draw against anything other than DK, but I accepted that. Its a garbage way to design a game, but IIWII. Right?

I concede against a DK if they play the 1 mana weapon. My time is better spent requeuing at that point.

ITs one contributing facotr as to why DK might have a high WR%. People conceding early. Same with DH. If they play their busted weapon, I’m out.

meh i just use tony if half the cards i have in my deck are plagues
plague cards arent inmune to tony and only become a problem if i drew most of my deck

I play standard.1234

tony is a standard card(from festival of legends)

I’d rather not get a bunch of cards I have no clue how to use properly just to, MAYBE, counter plagues. I appreciate the suggestion, But I’d rather have a new steamcleaner.

i rather not im having fun with tony with steamcleaner gone
and with him i can counter plagues to is a win win

of course i only play it if the plague count is high

You’re going to be waiting a while.