I am auto conceding to plague DKS

Tired of this deck as it has no counters to it.


I’ve played a decent amount of it and played against a ton of it (my stats are like 30-40% of my opponents are dk’s), plagues are super slow and unreliable. Mostly you just play like they don’t exist as their only real impact is close to fatigue or if you’re reno. It always felt to me like the opponent would never draw the darn things no matter how many of them I stuffed in.


Hunter, Pain Warlock, Wheel Warlock, Nature shaman, mage, zarimi priest

That’s 6 counters right there.

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There’s only one very general counter that can semi-reliable beat it in a normal match, and that’s a Priest that outheals and outlast the damage, silences a few pleague spreaders and removes a few from game. For Karma bonus, steal the permanent one from the enemy and return the favor to watch him bleed out over his own cards.

The only other options are to use the dumb internet decks that kill players on turn 4. It’s horrible, horrible game design this season. Literally all Blizzard had to do was NOT REMOVE THE MECH THAT COUNTERED PLAGUES FROM THE GAME.

The counter is to play any deck that proactively tries to win the game.

It’s not even good, lol.

Stop playing some bad Renathal Highlander control priest and you won’t care about plagues anymore.

If I’m built highlander then yeah I auto concede plague dk, pretty lame but that’s the way they’ve made the game.

Fk reno decks, they deserve to get plagued.

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Try playing an actual deck.

You want to play your Deepminer Brann and Reno deck in peace huh?

They are only strong against nodup decks. Heck all you have to do is keep your hand full and a plague will burn before any of your cards. I had an opponent’s deck maxxed out at I believe 60 and they seem to still be safe. My plagues seem to only start hitting them when they probably had like 5 of their own cards left.

keep your hand full. Sounds like a viable strategy /s /facepalm

i rather use tony after getting around 10 plagues+ helya

did you know like warrior HL run excavate cards