Hysteria has changed without any announcement

The spell card Hysteria has changed today.
Choose a minion. It attacks random minions until it dies.
Choose an enemy minion. It attacks random minions until it dies.

There were no notifications in latest patch.

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It’s really unfair to change the cards like that mid-season. You literally broke my entire deck. I play almost solely priest - I made a nice deck and played it for 3 days and hit platinum 7 and a bunch of people who have turn 4-5-6 kill combos whined and complained about losing. You know? Priests rarely win. I lose a lot even though I have a lot of decent cards. It was nice to win for a change. If you must fix this don’t do it mid-season; that’s totally lame. I just faced a druid that did 320 damage; how can we compete against that if we don’t have at least one decent combo to fight back with?

Ok, thanks, but it’s strange that there no notifications in game client.
Anyway the chance to collect this combination in hand isn’t 100%, so any other class can easily beat Prist or Warlock.
And you could just increase manacost of this spell, then players have to think over the strategies, for example “how to reduce manacost in order to play this combination in 10 mana”.

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yeah, so surprised, felt like an idiot :-)…not valid target! :rofl: WOW!

Same here. On Android there is no notification when the game is opened. I haven’t tried it on PC. I disagree with how the nerf happened but agree that something was needed. Thanks for the 100 dust. :slight_smile:

Good nerf for a broken card.

Combos that alowed for infinite damage in 1 turn, going through iceblock and stealing opponents turn? Bet its a lot of fun playing a game like that.

Great decision by Blizzard, nice nerf.

The people who all were surprised are completely new to the forums (I say that as a relatively new forum user myself). Conclusion the hearthstone forum is great, keep using it! :slight_smile:

I wasn’t surprised, but I bet countless numbers of players were. The vast majority of people almost certainly never come to the forums or watch streams.

You find out who they are now when you see them go half way into the combo then “WTF”?

Because your deck literally broke the game.

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It did not go through iceblock nor did it steal anyones turn. Those are false claims.

Not true. The tiller combo ONLY does 60 damage unless the tiller is Shrinkmeistered. It was Shrinkmeister that needed a nerf - not hysteria and not the tiller. Yes, it was true - I counted it many times - some underlying code stopped the tiller combo from dealing more than 60 damage. Even when it seemed like the damage was endless - it really stopped at 60 every time. It also did not bypass iceblock like others have said and there was no way it could steal someone’s turn. In fact how was my build game-breaking when the druids can do 320 damage in one hit? How does it stop me from getting killed by Murlocs at turn 4? It doesn’t - the fastest tiller combo I ever played was turn 5. Meaning you nerfed us, priests, when really we have been struggling to survive since the beginning against decks that are much more powerful. As of today I’ve put $70 into Eternal that would have went to Hearthstone. I’ll keep a running tally until you guys get your act together. I was under the impression that this was a fair competition ~ and it obviously is not ~ whoever whines the most gets the competitive advantage.

ANY interaction that could in theory repeat endlessly has a hard cap in Hearthstone after which it ends. For some cases the cap is known (e.g. Defile caps at 14 recasts). For other cases it has been found out by accident or through experimenting.
Doing 60 damage with Tiller sounds like 30 repeats. I think that’s easily high enough for all practical purposes, especially after the balance adjustment to Hysteria.