Hypocritical stances

If you’re a streamer or a player and you decide to actually condemn blizzard and actively bash them what makes you any different when it comes to creating a toxic environment?

Yes, everyone is entailed to their own opinion, and certain conversations are important to have, however, certain behaviors should never happen. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

It’s important to weed out unacceptable behavior but if you’re going to bash Blizzard as a whole, trash talk developers and still play this game, than you’re part of the problem.


Who is bashing or trash talking them? I have yet to see any streamers/content creators do that, it’s all been about raising awareness of these issues.


What i got from this is i cant condemn Blizzard while playing their games lmao.
What about those that flood this forums with trash while saying the have quit the game for the 1000x. those are fair game by your logic .

Most Hearthstone streamers have always been hypocrites.

Most of Kripp’s first streams consisted of opening hundreds of Heartstone loot boxes, even though he knew his audience was young, impressionable and vulnerable to these mechanics.

Now those streamers talk about “morality”.

Is it now unethical to play Hearthstone before an audience?

Is that how far you’re gonna go with this?

The coming together as a whole of the Blizzard community with a hard stance, yet transparent involvement I think is the best way to stand up for woman’s rights. Unrelenting bashing of Blizzard totally is, I think, not the way to go about it. We as the community everywhere should help in the weeding out of such atrocious treatment, and the spreading of awareness that may have happened within Blizzards ranks.

just my two cents…

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If you exploit your audience, it is.

I have nothing against streamers, many are nice people. But a large group exploit their audience.

One of them is Kripp, who knew damn well that a large part of his audience were minors, and he knew damn well that opening all those loot boxes on streams would lead some of those people down a dark path of addiction. He had whole streams dedicated to loot boxes.

And how did he exploit them?

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Do you even read topics at this point.

Did he have a big pack opening stream while disussing the problems at Blizz?

You’re the one who went off topic with the loot box stuff, I’m just curious on how you arrived at the conclusion that Kripp has exploited his audience.


You’re the one who went off topic with the loot box stuff

It’s not off topic at all, these streamers have a history of exploiting their audience. Kripp is one of them.

I’m just curious on how you arrived at the conclusion that Kripp has exploited his audience.

By exploiting his young and impressionable audience with whole streams dedicated to loot boxes with thousands of viewers.

What Kripp did is no different from selling sigarets to minors. He exploited minors for financial gain.

These streamers have no sense of morality.

At least Cracklin is overt about their nonsense. You actually seem to believe what you’re saying, which makes it even more incredible.

How do you even consider logging into a game that runs on a mechanic that ruins so many lives??? I’m shocked that you even have it installed at this point. F2P or not, devoting your personal time to a digital drug dealer such as this… for shame, Aurelie.

For shame.


Yeah. But cracklin is entertaining.
In a surprising, and also unsurprising way.


They do have that fictional-character-come-to-life charm about them, I suppose.


Let me spell it out for you.

  1. Loot boxes lead to problem gambling
  2. These streamers knew this yet dedicated whole streams to opening loot boxes
  3. These streamers knew thier audience consisted in large part of minors
  4. These streamers are no different from people selling sigarets to minors to make money.

(If you don’t think gambling addiction is a problem , I suggest you walk into an addiction clinic and go look)

These streamers are morally bankrupt.

Yeah. Something about him makes him appear self-referential.
Which is eerily ridiculous.

And you PLAY A GAME that rides on such a terrible, predatory practice?

Why do you continue to support it with your personal time?


If you don’t value your time, it makes sense, I guess.

Lots of things make sense when you turn your brain off.

You know, the older I get the more I understand the profound truth behind the old phrase “ignorance is bliss”.


So, you think it would make more sense for him as a streamer to open his packs off-stream ?

Even if it’s clear he did it for personal enjoyment, he doesn’t open many packs anymore because he doesn’t care about the constructed, only BG.

So I guess we should ban any streamer for packs opening ?