Hypocritiaal as usual

I guess the only class that is allowed to make copies of titans over and over are priests.

Dev comment: Ramp-style Druid is not a power outlier at most levels of play, but it is becoming a prevalent power and sentiment outlier at high Legend ranks. Titans were designed to be unique, cards with powerful effects that you can activate maybe a few times per game, not 10 times. We still want the Titans to be those cool, stand-out powerful cards, so we’re removing them from the pool of cards Shattered Reflections can target.

Are you really trying to argue for Druid while also implicating Priest in this …

Priest can’t ramp to 10 in Turn 5.
Priest’s Titan doesn’t just refresh the mana making it a 0 mana 10/12.

Don’t try and act like Shattered Reflections in Druid wasn’t a problem.
The victim in this is Priest having another card nerfed because of Druid.

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I"m not trying to argue for druid at all… I"m basiclally saying that if they are going to state a reason for a class, it should apply to all not just the one. I’m not a fan of druids. But I find it really annoying when Blizzard will state a reason why they made a change yet allow it to happen with other classes.

I never said nor did I imply that shattered reflections was not an issue.

Just like when they nerf a otk deck becuase it can kill from hand on turn 6 for one class, but then compleltey ignore another class with the same ability to do excactly just that.

It would just be nice if there was consistency that’s all.

“Rogue shouldn’t have aoes, let’s remove aoes from all classes”

It’s often not just an OTK they nerf but the whole deck.
They’ll nerf a deck that can otk you by turn 6 WHILE resisting to any kind of aggretion, and keep a deck that can otk by turn 6 only if you don’t pressure them for the first 5 turns


Well I know. They always come with the worst excuses for nerfs.
Eonar was literally made to be copied over and over. The fact that it was printed with Freya says it all, it just finally reached the boiling point where they need to pull the trigger and nerf it, and act like they didn’t expect this infinite combo to exist.

I’ll go as far as to say, Shattered Reflections was specifically made for Eonar, they were aware of the combo, and they were also aware that they would need to nerf it at one point.

Can’t take their dev comments seriously.
It’s always waffle.

That’s not even the same thing. Every class should have some form of aoe. But when something is nerfed becuase Blizzard deems it to over the top, they should be consistent in making sure that all classes have the same reasoning applied to their decks.

And again, I’m not advocating for druids… becuase I honestly hate them with a passion… lol, I’m just saying.

But each class has its own identity with its own capabilities
If they nerf a card in a class because it’s covering one of its weaknesses, they won’t nerf another card that does a similar thing in another class while beeing part of the identity of the class
If you ask for symerty in classes why even bother with classes ?

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Did you quote that, or is one of the first appearance of the devs in years since they vanished before the pandemic a passive aggressive edit/comment to your post?

You’re missing the point. I’m not talking about a class’s identity or a class’s abilities, that entirely different.

Yes that’s exactly the problem.
You say that the same reasonning should be applied to each class, ignoring their identity.
So if one nerf is applied to a class, all other classes should align on this nerf, regardless of the context of their available cards…
That’s what I understand from what you explained

That’s not what I"m saying.

I’m basing that understanding on your sayings :

I’m inclined to understand what you really want to say but if all of this does not mean what I understand from it, what does it mean ?

As someone who just played against a priest who was duping Aman’Thul for days I have to agree on the fairness across the board idea(and I play a ton of priest). Just make Titans non-dupable, easy solution.

I just think it’s funny how they said that they never inteded for a Titan to be played 10 times so they nerf druid … when priests were still able to do it 10 times. :slight_smile:

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thats only what you say they said

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