Hurry up and balance Wild

The hell are the devs waiting for? This game has grown out of control. So many busted decks that it’s not funny. 8 months ago Wild was somewhat balanced but now it’s turned into a raging dumpster fire with no nerfs in site. They were so quick to nerf cataclysm but then they choose to not do anything with the other degenerate auto win decks currently plaguing this broken meta? Makes absolutely no sense to ignore the current mess they created.

any fun busted paladin decks?


sorry what is the reason to balance a game whose balance varies continuously based on the fake rng settings used precisely to harness the game into total control of every aspect leaving players only with the illusion of having full control over what happens ? The game bills millions, as soon as an expansion comes out, players send additional millions, every now and then a balance is simulated only with the aim of deluding players who have the power to make blizzard think, but in any case everything is always controlled by an AI that uses the rng to control the whole game, what are these posts for?

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Always haha. Whats new

they nerfed twig you probably dont klnow about it because it wasnt 8 mnonths ago

Thanks captain obvious.

I’d be happy if they just got rid of all the bots in Wild. I spend 99% of my Hearthstone time conceding against DK bots with random letter screen names. Unfortunately I have better odds of winning a million $$$ in the lottery than having that happen :frowning:

That’s probably one of the reasons you face so many bots. Conceding doesn’t help get you out of the bot ranks.

Nope stuck at Silver 10 forever because I refuse to play against that crap!

Bots start to go away in Patinum to Diamond rank. Possibly even gold. Its rare to encounter bots at diamond rank but a few tend to slip through.

They can barely balance Standard. What makes you think they’re competent enough to balance Wild?


you sound angry about the twig nerf

I have 4356 ranked warlock wins and 82 ranked druid wins…

What makes you think I care about twig being nerfed? lol. Devs actually made a smart nerf for once. There needs to be a lot more adustments though. Like Flurgl Toxfin combo is probably a nerf canditate.

Other players have complained about twig. Not as the player using, but as the opponent facing it. When you’re complaining about wild balance, and the worst offending card in all of wild gets nerfed, how could you not care about that?

You should get a job in msm. Try going back to read my entire comment.

what ?i never thought youll complain about a combo thats pretty much an equality combo for shaman

Tbh, shaman could use more board clears like that in standard. Right now if an opponent goes wide and a shaman can’t stick a non rush minion on the board, and lightning storm doesn’t answer it, we just lose the board.

A pretty well known youtuber is speculating the nerf. It’s an obvious issue in wild. If it wasn’t so easy to pull the cards needed from the middle of your deck than it probably wouldn’t be as big of a problem.