The 3 abilities are
Maintain Order - Give your weapon “After your hero attacks, draw a card”
Swift Slash - Give your weapon +2 attack and, “Your hero is immune while attacking”
Commanding Presence - Give your weapon “After your hero attacks, summon a 3/3 enforcer with Taunt”
Looks so meh… compared to others. Should be 5 mana or something woth lower stats.
I guess if the draw card ability sticks and works for all 3 hits its actually quite good
I feel sorta the same. It feels like you are okay leaving it to survive a turn, because the weapon will already have the best buff, and the other 2 dont seem as impactful. Especially when they will only be used once or twice
I’m uninmpressed. unless this has some hidden power like the mage one doubling its effects, I don’t find it very good.
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This is on the power level of what i wish the others would be, juat abiut right
LOL this is booty, especially compared to Hodir. Even weak to weapon removal, though nobody runs that.
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Strongest one for now.
People can say whatever they want but 6 mana on a 3/7 that comes with a 5/3 weapon is nuts.
That without even mention getting the other 2 habilities if they somehow live.
Play spirit deer that equips a weapon in 3 turns.
Play this 2 turns later.
Spirit deer overrides this weapon.
“That’s enough, I concede”.
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3/7 body isnt that important, because the other 2 abilities will not be as impactful on a weapon with 1 or 2 durability. The best case scenario is just throwing it down on 6 and swinging a 5/3 weapon at the opponents face for 3 turns.
Worst case, it gets dirty ratted, and the abilities and body are useless for 3 turns
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And it’s a pretty strong scenario.
This is the damm point about the titans.
The average is already decent with people going to near auto losing situations if they really let the titans live more than a turn.
A 6 mana 3/7 with a 5/3 weapon.
A 10 mana 10/10 who refreshes your mana and summon a 5/5.
The average Titan hability is already strong and it will get worse if you let they there.
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Any Hunter deck this slots into was already one of the best decks in the game. Hound Hunter doesn’t need this.
A Gladiator’s Longbow on 6 might win the game but only because the rest of the deck was already winning. And weapon removal neuters this.
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False. Let your opponent remove your weapon, equip another weapon.
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I totally missed that the Titan abilities apply to all weapons, and not just Taeshalach. That makes this guy quite a bit more consistent, lol. Could Hunter afford to play this and Hope of Quel’Thalas back-to-back, though? Maybe we’ll see another new weapon in this set.
This is a bit better than people are thinking imo.
3/3 weapon that draws 3 cards total and summons a 3/7 for 6 mana is pretty good.
And a 5/3 weapon with immune shouldn’t be frowned upon either.
Let’s be honest. All titans basically have Taunt. They need to be removed immediately.
6 mana, 3/3 weapon, draw 3 and get a 3/7 minion with taunt is pretty dang good.
It’s on par with the Mage Titan at 6 as far as value. Granted, the Mage one is more deadly if left on board, but this guy generates more immediate value.
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This will be used for the Give your Weapon +2 attack for 15 damage of SMorc over 3 turns a lot of the time. For that alone this will probably see play if Hunter sees play.
Yeah, the Titan isn’t flashy, but it seems pretty good. As everyone just mentioned, you can go full damage if you are in the lead or use it as a recovery tool by picking the draw effect, getting more resources over time.
In a way, it reminds me of Rogue Colossus. A bit less impact in one turn, but better and more versatile long turn, even if it doesn’t survive after it’s played.
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Pretty sure there are better Weapons or High Cost Cards to run over this.
0/5 Star Power hard run in Hunter. 5/5 if you Discover it or whatever.
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Titans cannot be discovered
True, but they can be identity thiefed, or plagiarized, or that new pirate, or that prieat spell that copies a minion, or reverberated, or the newish faceless typenof card
This titan is so much worse than the priest one. If there are other weapon related synergies for the class they need to be presented soon. Even if titans tend to get removed the first opponent turn in most games, non-deathrattle triggering hard removal for 2 minions is better than 3 turns of 5 damage. A six cost minion with lifesteal is better than a 3/3. The minion copy scales with your opponent’s power scaling. This guy is a horrible contrast to the priest one.
Feels like the big hunter finish already peaked and is only going to get weaker and weaker each expansion this game year.
When you see the priest mains saying “it is better than it looks”, you know it is worse than what they got and they are loving it.
Blizzard revenues deserve to plummet. Time for layoffs.