The more I’ve thought about this Titan, the better I think he is. We might be getting distracted by how it’s not something flashy and “highlight reel” like the others we have so far. But, Aggramar seems like the kind of card that just works.
Like Anubis said, this is similar to Crabatoa or Hydralodon in that you just throw this bad boy down and he will always be good. He’s always going to help push Hunter’s game plan forward and accelerate the clock against the opponent.
I’m willing to be that he’s the most consistently powerful out of any Titan we’ve seen so far, because even if you kill him after the first turn, the Hunter still has a Gladiator’s Longbow and can follow up with some heavy minions like Hydralodon, Hollow Hound, or even Lorthemar and Faithful Companion.
Yeah, but that is clearly not what he was referring to, and it would first require the Hunter run the card in the first.
Exactly. People are acting like it will be easy to remove this guy but it won’t, because you’ll have spent all your removal on Hunters already powercrept minions and abilities (much like paladin and why people consistently undervalue their cards in preseason). So you’re taking 15 damage to the face and possibly a lot of free summons of taunts to lock you out for the rest of the game (nothing says the abilities have to be spent on the same weapon).
This slots in beast and arcane hunter just fine.
I play A LOT of Hunter. This isn’t just 15 damage to the face. Health is a resource and using a weapon to clear minions has won me many games.
It’s a point a lot of people don’t consider. Yes, most of the time, I want to put all my damage to the face but there are occasions where my weapon can clear a taunt or troublesome minon with one hit.
Weapons don’t just go to the face. It’s a great card for what Hunter does.
I am very worried about this card if a more aggressive face hunter is created simply because this card exists. A weapon that does 15 damage over three turns is quite scary. Nobody likes it when DH does it and in hunter that is way stronger.
We haven’t even seen the rest of the sets cards yet. You have to figure there is probably a couple of cards that either support Titan’s in class or neutrals that effect them.
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On it’s own, it’s powerful. It honestly doesn’t need any help.
I suspect a nerf will happen if it gets out of control. But in the meantime…
However, it will only be a matter of time before something pops up that will challenge it. Probably control or other aggro decks?
Druid, maybe?
I’m not sure. Hard to say. Hunter is that class where one number can break the metagame, haha.
People domt realize how good this card is yet. They will see. Even more so in wild.
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Looks bad, but it’s a 3/7 that gives a 5/3 weapon on turn 6.