Hunter Krushers

Okay this King Krush constant is getting a bit old. Seeing this turd of a play more than once a game is bad enough, then compounded by 8 more rounds (sorry I mean losses), to the same stupid card. Flame on, but this deck and meta are trash.

I Know it’s awesome… I love hunters… one of my favourite classes. It’s nice to see they are at the top from time to time.

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King krush = named = unique.

Do you find it “normal” to see several?

So stupid to delete.

10 mana draw/discover a beast card from your deck and spawn 2 copies. 7 mana for 1 copy.

8 mana resurrect all beasts over 5 mana.

Oh and you Draw king krush before drawing the draw card and reaching 10 mana you will get something else like hound hunter.

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