HS:NGRESULT DB ERROR:303:0 Error "Playful Sprites"

Same issue, tried every fix i could find,

This is a old bug that came up in January in 2020. I see a old thread about it, and eventually they resolved it. Can you fix mine also please? My account is IHOP. I am the prior world champion Hunter from 2009.

Thanks for the reply! Account related sounds about right. I can log in on my brother’s account from my computer, but cant log into my account.

I have the same problem since yesterday. Hope it is resolved soon.

when i click on hearthstone it appears that the game is closed with the error:

Opa! Duendes engraçadinhos deram um nó no Hearthstone durante a conexão com os nossos servidores. Já, já eles caem fora. Tente novamente em alguns minutos

This error is from Hearthstone in Portuguese.

This happened when I clicked on Duels, the game crashed. I closed it with alt+f4 and after that I couldn't log in anymore.

Remembering that in other regions that I have not played yet it opens normally.

I have same issue. I can’t log in asia but us is still working


The devs have used some affected accounts to gather some logs and are digging into them now. We’re not sure that all players have the exact same problem currently, but the investigation continues. We appreciate everybody who’s taken time to reach out and report this, it’s helping figure things out. ^^


I’m having the same issue I can’t log into the U.S. Which is what I normally play on.

im still experiencing this issue

I am having this issue as well

me 2 and it happens on pc or mobile

help us please since actualization i cant log in on phone or pc

It’s been a day already, seriously still not fixed ?

I have the same problem here on EU server.

This is already the 2nd day I am having the problem, this is really annoying. Please, fix it for my account too ASAP.

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Same Error for my Account aswell.
This keeps popping up for the last two days

Same Error for my account. The other games work.

also happen to me,
glad i could play again yesterday.

Same error here. From asia. I could use my account before the error and also had a problem with heroic duel

Même erreur depuis hier 13h déjà , merci de réglé ca au plus vite, j’espère que les joueurs auront une compensation.