HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

any game that has MMR (by technicality) “rigs games” by putting you against an opponent of equal skill. This means compared to random draw, you’ll never get lucky and beat up a bunch of dumb people (or get outskilled consistently), but this is a good thing.

HS is as rigged as Overwatch MMR, or Heroes MMR, or any other MMR.

Actually, minimizing the skill difference between players through matchmaking increases the role of luck in determining games. Sure, the net result is closer to a fair 50-50, but the more accurate MMR is as a measurement of skill, the more invisible skill becomes when games are matched by MMR. If MMR is perfect, you only play against players just as skilled as you are — no skill difference whatsoever.

This breaks apart a bit at the tails of the bell curve, but the vast majority of players don’t live on the tails. It shouldn’t be surprising that so many players believe that skill doesn’t exist, when the system is designed to minimize its impact.

Systemic thinking is required to realize that you can’t see X because Y exists, therefore X can exist despite a scarce evidence of X existing.

Sadly theres no helping you out, on the same post you say massive wins in a row on the triple digits need to happen to prove its not rigged and a few sentences lower you claim that even those wins are rigged.

You are beyond divine intervention at this point, the meltdowns people have because their main account got banned yikes…


If the game’s rigged and you play it anyway, that’s an ish-YOU, not an ish-anything-else.

Stop trying to reveal the Foule Duessa and go find something else to do.

Edit: “Royal” use of “you” - not referring to anyone in particular (except you, of course - you know who you are)

You have the logic wrong.

You don’t trust them now, but you will trust them then?

How can you be sure that they gave you the live game code that they use all the time? That when you’re not looking other things happen? You can’t and that’s why the burden of proof is to prove it is rigged.

You can go in circles for days trying to prove it’s not rigged and you will never get past "we haven’t seen any evidence that it’s rigged’ because that’s the burden of proof.

The only proof I’ve found so far is lots of people are idiots.


OK I’m gonna say it again in the simplest steps possible. a) you have ALL the code (in that scenarior) b) the code is ALL you need to run the entire game at home (client and server (everything)) c) hence: you can read the entire code and derive how it works and make sure that’s how it behaves (and also test it at home too while it’s running).

I.e. you don’t need Blizzard at all; you just read the code and understand what it does and even run it to test it; the only limitation is you need to know how to read programming (and plenty of people have that skill either as a job or as a hobby).

By the way in case you meant, “they will give the code and then run DIFFERENT CODE and keep the game closed source”, that’s a different scenario; my initial scenario was the game being open sourced; in the sense the players would run open source themselves without needing Blizzard.

… doesn’t use “you” at all, but instead “one.” E.g. if the game is rigged and one plays it anyway, then that is one’s own issue, and not anyone else’s. There is no “royal you,” there is only the peasant “you.”

I’d use the NBC meme here, except it’s wrong. It should be “the more one knows.”

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When that comes up IRL, I often say K = .5B

I will say it again: You can’t prove that.

The live game doesn’t run from your home, so you don’t have what they have, you have a copy.

hence you can’t prove you have all the code when it runs on servers you don’t have.

IE your sandbox version isn’t the live game and you can’t prove you have all the code because you can only trust blizzard just like you do right now.

The game isn’t open sourced as you describe and will never be. You think the will let the rng rolls be on your machine for your games? That’s laughable and insecure.

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Tin-foiled hats can’t be reasoned with. The source of their beliefs is emotional, not rational.

I’ve seen them react very childish and/or dogmatic when confronted with proofs about other things, so it’s a battle that can’t be won.

Some of the more intelligent specimens will try to reason with you up to the point when they are disarmed with arguments, and then all hell breaks lose or they just shut the conversation down and leave. They can’t take the cognitive dissonance.

Oh, and, @Carnivore ? THIS is the correct time and place to use the term “cognitive dissonance”.


Let’s put it this way:

Suppose that I provide you with two sets of code, which I claim are from the Hearthstone client and the Hearthstone server, respectively. How do I PROVE to you that the code I provided truly is the code that’s in use?

Remember, you CANNOT say answer “well, let’s just run the code and see if the same results occur.” Because I’ve already suggested this, but with less steps, and you have rejected it. I said that we can look at the output of the software and see whether or not it is random, that is, we run the current Hearthstone code without knowing the code and we compare it to what we would see if the Hearthstone code was for sure random, and see if they match. So your answer would need to be something else.

i may be stupid but wouldn’t that be what a checksum would be for? to ensure no difference between client and server?

There’s actually no way to know whether it’s Blizzard rigging the game against you, or the universe itself.


That’s like saying “there’s actually no way to know whether it’s the gun killing people, or the shooter”

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I don’t think that’s his point.

I think his point is that both are unfalsifiable claims

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Or the universe…

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I would disagree, on the pedantic-yet-technically-true grounds that it IS possible to have THE full, decompiled, decrypted, unedited, complete source for HS’s code, both client and server.

Now I’ll grant you, it’s obviously highly illegal to have that, unless you’re a blizz employee who is also specifically authorized to have it, and even then, you’d also have to be additionally authorized to share it. So for all intents and purposes, it’s impossible for 99% of the relevant population to have it.

But it’s still possible, which is more than can be said about proving divine authority either way.

It doesn’t matter if that is possible.

What matters if it is possible to know that one has THE full, decompiled, decrypted, unedited, complete source for HS’s code, both client and server. That is, one must both possess AND prove it.