HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

And I’m here to make sure his sacrifice was pointless by preventing someone from eating his baits xDD

If he got banned for the second time (I know he already was like a month before or something), while the only thing he posts are troll posts and provocations, it means he went over the board to try to provoke someone and it was too far.

I’m not gonna let anyone else go too far if I can help it xD

I did 20 in a row on ranked standard, seen people post with over double that on wild.

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Most of the It’s Rigged club doesn’t even know what rigged means. To them the game being random for max profit means the game is rigged to be random so the randomness itself is the rigging.


I want to believe this, but I don’t.

Too many times did me and Scr0tie, and probably others, try to explain to them that randomness is addictive and therefore, optimal state of the game for the bottom line of the company. If they thought randomness in itself was rigging, we would have been able to dissuade them, which we never could have.

It’s an unfortunate conclusion that HS as a game has an above-average percentage of people with external locus of control (they attribute more negative results to a “higher power” outside of our control) and/or paranoid personalities.

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I’m not wasting my time explaining to you how you are still so wrong it’s sad.

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As you once said “resorting to personal attacks instead of argumenting is a sign of defeat”

I dunno about you, but I find your post to be a personal attack on me, as it implies that I’m not worth the time it takes to explain what’s wrong with my arguments.

Hence, you admitted defeat xD

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It wasn’t a personal attack.

You don’t understand the topic enough to have a discussion.

Sure, you can have your gold medal, Corky. Life goes on.

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I literally just proved to you that it was.

I think I understand much more than you give me credit for, but sure, I’ll bite.

You should be able to, considering your sizeable knowledge on the topic, quickly convey to me the gist of all that I should understand.

If you’re not, oh well, that’s another admittance of defeat :slight_smile:

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The problem here is that even if random is explained to someone, they still might not get it.

I don’t fault the person. Randomness is something our brain doesn’t like to comprehend. They may simply be incapable of understanding it. Sort of like how you try to contemplate how many stars are in the universe, the number just doesn’t make sense and your brain tries to internalize it but the number you imagine is much smaller than reality.

This is why I love past experiments with randomness, specifically the Shuffle feature on things like Spotify, etc. When people were given true randomness, they hated it because it didn’t feel random. Spotify had to give them fake randomness so it felt like what they interpret random to be, and they loved it.

It’s absolutely fantastic how much our brains reject randomness.

This is why a lot of these people use “just look at the game or play the game and you will see it’s not random!” as an excuse. Same idea from the Spotify people. They simply cannot comprehend it.


Again, Corky, take your special gold medal and enjoy your victory.

I’m not allowed in your Olympics.

They evolved to see patterns and try to force them everywhere. So when random has what is perceived as a pattern, it’s suddenly also perceived as not random.

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At least I tried

You didn’t even show up

So not only are you refusing to help/teach something to someone who you shared and liked many things with, but you’re also denying that knowledge to everyone else on this forum who might understand it.

Because of what? Fear of getting disproved? Pride of knowing something others do not? Incompetence to verbalize your knowledge despite its existence?

Is it because of the same reason you quit playing HS when you got stuck in platinum?

Are you just afraid of challenges because if you fail them, your confidence will crash?

Do you even need that kind of confidence, fragile, artificial?


I did, but after explaining things to you repeatedly, you can still only see your own reflection.

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That’s assuming these people have normal common sense. But these people are the kind of people that are of the thinking that 1x1 can’t be 1 so it must be 2.

90 posts good lord the trolling.

You sound as if you learned programming from a hallucinating chatGPT. Even if they included AI in their game (they probably haven’t and you’re talking nonsense but let’s assume for the sake of argument that they have), that’s part of the game server (or client in some cases) in computer engineering terms (so you could test “the AI code” too yourself (at home (without them interfering) in case it wasn’t clear).

You misunderstand the computer engineering there. If you have the client and server code, you have ALL the code that makes the game (and you can test it at home without them interfering at all in case it wasn’t clear).

By having an MMR; you exposed with this mistake of yours that you have absolutely nothing; do you seriously not get that the MMR is there to eventurally put you to 50%?

The only way for that to not happen is to have higher skill than EVERYONE in the game (*to be strictly correct: given enough games played).

Yes that can happen: if you go literally Legend 1: have you gone Legend 1?

That’s still less than half of what would be required to show the game is not rigged. As I said…you/they WILL lose eventually, and there will be a 0% chance that you/they could have won. If someone plays a game and there is a 0% chance of winning, would someone maybe just maybe consider that game rigged? Again, idk what we are talking about if that is not rigged. Of course, win streaks like that are exceedingly rare to begin with, and yet even allowing for that, it is still rigged (which really just goes to show especially for anyone/select few geniuses here still trying to cope with the reality of the matter). I appreciate you helping me out.

Jordan never lost a game. Ali never lost a match. Babe never loast a game.

Reported for trolling.

GO back under your bridge troll.

You were already called out right here:

Games not rigged, but you remain a troll.


Just because it’s transparent, doesn’t mean that it’s known to everyone. There’s no such thing as transparent enough for the willfully ignorant who close their own eyelids.