HS and its varied game modes

I personally think we’re reaching the limit of how many modes the team can handle , balance and interest wise …

Tavern brawls
Solo pve stuff

Think its plenty that they need to focus down on each mode and polish them for them to be all somewhat enjoyable , witout taking away from the teams working on each game modes …

Edit: Not sacrifice X mode to improve Y mode is what i mean , and never create Z mode …

They’re afraid of making hearthstone 2 and bombing. So we end up with mercenaries in our game.

They’ve stated that they view the Hearthstone client as a game platform rather than a single game. Which makes a ton of sense. And different folks focus on different modes; I personally don’t like Battlegrounds, but there are many people who love it. I love Duels, and there are people who hate it. I think variety is awesome as long as they have different dev/balance teams for significantly different modes. I mean, Classic/Wild/Standard are fine with a single team, but having people working on the traditional modes at the same time as say Battlegrounds would be bad. Flip side of the coin is that things like voice acting and art totally make sense to be spread across all of the modes to provide a stylistic sense of consistency to HS.

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I think what we have is fine but they shouldnt add even more new modes and instead of focus of different ways to play the 3 types of game inside HS atm ^^