Hows the climb going for everyone

Zero evidence alert

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Wild ranked is rough if you play aggro. Too many board clear spells in priest and shamans disolving spell is pure OP.

The new wild aggro druid is nuts i played against one.
I play both modes im d 4 in std right now and and d 10 wild.

What is this druid mountseller deck? Standard or wild?

So here is the decklist from 2 november im sure there are more variants.
Someone hit legend with it.


0 Embiggen x 2
1 Adorable infestation x 2
1 Bloodsair Corsair x 2
1 Gibberling x 2
1 intrepid Initaite x 2
1 living Roots x 2
1 Mark of the lotus x 2
1 Parches the pirate x 1
1 Sirr Finley Mrrgglton x 1
1 Southsea Deckhand x 2
2 Cult Neophyte x 2
2 Nerub’ ar Weblord x 2
2 Parchute Brigand x 2
2 Power of the Wild x 2
2 Voracious Reader x 2
3 Savage Roar x 2

Sorry where was mountseller mentioned ? if i missed it sorry.
Its basicaly hyper aggro wild token druid just google wild aggro druid i think and you wil find it.
Ive heard people complain dying turn 2 or 3 not sure.

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Classic 1 Survival 2 Mountsellers deck. You can probably find a list on Druid’s hsreplay page but make sure you run no more than 1 Bogbeam (nothing really to bogbeam in this meta except for Paladin’s shields) and use 2 Crystal Powers instead.

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Ok thanks both. Still not much clearer though haha. Probably because I just use standard not wild. Mountseller was supposed to be in the deck, probably why it called mountseller druid deck.

Tried huntard face, went 17-2. Then stopped for standard cause it was really boring.

climbing is big fail, legend players can destroy us low ranked players streaks, but when we defeat a legend player we do not get better reward then just 1 star.
those players from legend ruins the fun for beginners. it should be bronze vs bronze, silver vs silver. i only face ppl with golden portraits and a deck full of legendarys. they do not win by skill but with their overpowered cards. i can keep up half the fight till they pulling all legendary cards and i lose.

except you as a pure beginner wont be paired against legend players.

none of those indicate in any way that the player is a legend player

i mean ppl who played very long and have build up a big collection. i just lost to a priest, my card draw was bad again.

people may have played for 6 years and never climbed further than gold and equivalent. long time doesnt equal high rank

Honestly, those should be fringe cases. Veteran players will make it to dia 5… (but then again Rez Priest qq threads are so prevalent…)

We can do it dont be negative sometimes i faced legends players once i added a guy he was rank 2000.

Those people are very bad at the game.

3 months ago I was gold 5, 2 months ago I was gold 10, and now this month I am silver 2 and trying.

Every time those players will tell you they haven’t played in ages and that is why they are the same rank as you.

I play face hunter. Not sure how the meta will be when I get back there. Just got back from a break. Sorta.

Having no life doesn’t equal skills…

so you can be high rank even if you’re bad by spamming games no lifing ?

is that what you’re trying to argue ?

or did you mean just because those guys been playing for a while that doesn’t mean they have skills