Hows the climb going for everyone

So i back on d 5 and this is my thoughs on ladder even though meta gona change again soon,
Control shaman - non highlander - i faced this deck at diamond 8 its actualy very very good i think this is the best shaman deck i have faced it went to fatigue i just had the waxadred recycling that i discovered.
Libram paladin super strong i think a possible nerf to penflinger but not too big to kil the card.
Pure paladin more beatable and alura highrolling is devasting at times xd.
Mage is mostly seen now at higher ranks similar to warrior as i only started seeying more of them at d 5.
No gona lie it was stressfull i malded when saw quest res priest in diamond 5 xd.
Quest druid is the variant of druid i saw most.
Hunter and hunter 2.0 ofc very strong too - ps u know who hunter 2.0 is right.
just wanted to add i agree that phase stalker could be nerfed but other then that its ok.

I used galakrond rogue - 56 percent winrate.
there is another one on hs topdecks. with two shadoweavers but i prefer this one.
Lastly srry for raging on ladder stil working on that sorry xd.


Going alright for me. I’m taking my time though. I’ve only played 4 games I think thus far. I’ve found in the current meta the best way for me to climb is Pure Paladin up to either plat 5 or diamond 10 then highlander galakrond rogue after that to pick on the abundance of paladins and hunters there. I’m sure there will be new OP decks to climb with once the new set comes out so I’m not rushing to get through the ladder as quickly as possible

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Pure paladin good at all ranks buddy, like i said alura highrolling libram of hope or devoted champion - hope i got the spell right that gives 8 8 - is hard to deal with.

Regarding the new expansion i thin that the devs said that this year is the highesy rng will be it makes sense for me that the last expansion this year has the most rng i have ever seenm im fine with it since it was stated this year is the highest it wil be ?

I’ve found for me at least pure paladin falls off a bit once I get to the diamond levels. I’ll cruise through the lower ranks with it winning 65%+ of the time then once I get to diamond I fall back more in line with the average performance of the deck on hsreplay so my climb slows down and there’s a lot more mirror matches at which point might as well switch to something that does well against paladins. At least that’s been my reasoning.

RNG doesn’t bother me as much as most players. It’s excessive card generation that annoys me because it becomes just too difficult to plan around the hypothetical scenarios at that point. I can plan around a deck’s contents fairly well and can plan around hypothetical lackeys or discovered dragons or spells that cost 3 or less but it’s a lot harder to plan around a card that generates other cards that can generate other cards. It’s just too many layers to plan around

I think u can play any deck to legend if u stick with it long enough my gala rogue is off meta but becuz i mostly play this and deck and sometimes pure paladin - just when i see abit too much aggro- i know how to beat my bad matchups too
and also ul just start to combos and plays u didnt see before just by playing it more or dif more efficient ways to do things anyway.

Libram Paladin is stronger but i prefer pure paladin too i dont like playing pen flinger 70 times plus i dont like the voiceline.
What do u struggle against currently ?

Climbed to rank 5 (EU) wild on first day and it felt waaay too easy versus all those aggro players. Just lost some single games mainly to discord warlock and have seen no reno priests at all.

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Waiting for the new expansion to do my climb , if Mage only gets sub par or RNG related cards again not going to Legend i will stop at Diamond 5.

Only play standard.

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standard is so freaking boring to me atm.

i honestly don’t even think I’ll climb past D5 in standard


So ur gona wait for the new expansion to drop ?

I’ll play wild that’s what I’m gonne do.

that’s a lot more entertaining.

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My faveroute wild deck is tess Rogue i feel thief rogue is less annoying as it steals random cards and not cards from you’re deck
i do run lab recruiter so ul be seeying 4 tesses that game if the board isnt ful.
My best ladder wild deck is secret mage but its kinda boring.

Face, face, face!

You played a card that doesn’t go face! I will go to the forums to complain, you are everything that’s wrong with this game.


I play galakrond rogue in standard for wild i hate using that deck busy crafting elemental quest mage.
I am sorry if i have offended but many dont like how hyper aggro it has become in fact i think il play a different deck in wild til i get to a higher rank.

Hyper stale meta where it is mostly face decks vs paladin and priest. Mage is RNG trolling and losing. Shaman has control fatigue deck imagine that. Rogue is back to galakrond tricks. But all in all its me smart ruling meta. Highlander hunter looks like best face deck followed by soul DH with millions and millions of paladins trying to prey on them since cough cough paladin actually has good heal cards.

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It’s pretty good so far. I’m at P7, 10-5 with Pirate Warrior (I run a Owl for silence, it’s pretty good), 5-6 with tempo Priest and 1-0 with Face Hunter. Overall 16-11 for a slightly below 60% WR.

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I wanna post my game against this conrol shaman can u help me how do i post links without high enough trust factor do i just put weird signs infront of replay ?

I made it to silver #2 . never thought I would make it that high.

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Last season played aggrodh to d, then sdh to d3 and to legend I switch to pure paladin(without lady liadrim). I also think libram pally is better but I just don’t lke a certain one drop+ i’am missing the legendaries.
This season, I’am sitting at d5 with pure pally and thinking of cutting the murloc prime(so slow) in order to run the deck without legendaries… In wild climbing slow and steady with my very own version pally deck conceding most matches i don’t like… Wild is always fun.

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mill deck after mill deck…
feels great losing to those. definitely makes me want to reward them with money.

What deck do you play i havent seen a mill deck in awhile.
Btw im just curious by no means implying you’re lying.